Govee integration

Well, I was going to test it today…so… on to other modifications

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Yep it came soon after requesting. In it’s infinite wisdom the email server put iti n my “junk” folder.

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So I added the folder in custom_components, restarted HA but it is not showing up in my intergrations…
I’m a bit new so perhaps I am missing anything?

2020-10-26 09:53:04 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] You are using a custom integration for govee which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant.

It took 15 minutes but it is working so far thank you for creating this, get yourself a coffee from me

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Thanks for the coffee!
Yes it takes some while to grab the library, don’t know why it does take so long on some systems … this should be gone once it is in core.

My work-around for the H6104 in automation is to just call light.turn_on all by itself, then do a 3 second delay action, then call light.turn_on again with the brightness I want. That seems to do the trick.

Hi @LaggAt, many thanks for taking time to share this integration with the community. Please excuse the newbie question here. I have downloaded the latest zip, unzipped it and uploaded its contents to the path above using File Editor. This was several hours ago and “Govee LED strips” still isn’t appearing when I search in the integrations. Any tips? I’ve restarted a few times.


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@LaggAt man this is an awesome work. I’ve just installed and I’d like to report a feedback for the model: H61103A1-IT. Via a custom light card i can perfectly control the brightness and the color with the color wheel. Color temperature doesn’t work for me but maybe it depends by the custom card i installed.
All the others feature of this model, like effects and music mode works via Bluethoot so it’s not possible to control them.
The latest thing i’d like to report is this: if i change the color with the physical controller of the strip or i turn off the strip with it, Home Assistant still shows it as turned on and with the previous color. The only way to re-syncronize the wheel and the physical controller is to change color on HA. Not a big deal though.
Thanks again for this integration! It is awesome!

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Hey, I just bought a H6109 and I’m trying to install the Govee integration, how long after restart home assistant should I wait before seeing it in the integration selection screen?

Also, should the files in custom_components such as govee-20200922 stay a zip or not?

edit: got it, the content of those zip files is the one i need to install, not the zip itself.



do you have files like ./custom_components/govee/manifest.json?
If yes, this seems OK. Next: do you get something related to govee in the logs, also consider enabling debug log (first post).

As you already got it, you should extract the zip inside this folder, so that the files inside are in the folder ./custom_components/govee/

So it is working for you?

Hi, thanks. I added it to the first post.

Could you enable debug logs and see, if you get state results from API? some Strips do not support these.

@LaggAt Will 0.117 effect your code at all or will it possibly simplify?
I am specifically referring to RGB commands.

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Isn’t that templating?
It maybe affects how you interact, but not the integration itself which is developed on dev. It also isn’t really complicated. :smiley:

It works, but not too well. It seems to lag a bit, sometimes the API will take a while to respond, and when I switch the light using the toggle slider, the slider disappears and is replaced by 2 lightning symbols, similar to the ones for a switch in HASS. Otherwise, it works fine as long as I don’t spam the API.

BTW, when adding the integration, what was the auto-filled out part (with 10) below the API key?

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Well, seems like nothing I can influence, is your Internet connection good?

Lag results from the communication to the API.
The Light toogle is replaced with two toogles by design as long as we use the cached State we create, before we get the next state from API.
When you spam the API you will hit the API limit.

10 was the refresh interval. So every 10 seconds we do query the api for the state of every lamp you have registered and supports state requests. So if you have 3 LED strips all supporting state, this will hit the API with 3 requests every 10 seconds.

FYI - @LaggAt I just installed your integration to use with a H6110_E45E. I haven’t gotten to play with it much (it’s in my son’s room and he’s sleeping currently). However, on initial install it seemed to get the status correctly. I also went ahead and enabled debug logging to grab the following log:

20-10-31 03:53:57 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.govee_api_laggat] state returned from API: {'data': {'device': 'XXXXXXXX', 'model': 'H6110', 'properties': [{'online': True}, {'powerState': 'on'}, {'brightness': 100}, {'color': {'r': 139, 'b': 255, 'g': 0}}]}, 'message': 'Success', 'code': 200}, resulting state object: GoveeDevice(device='XXXXXXXXX', model='H6110', device_name='H6110_E45E', controllable=True, retrievable=True, support_cmds=['turn', 'brightness', 'color', 'colorTem'], support_turn=True, support_brightness=True, support_color=True, support_color_tem=True, online=True, power_state=True, brightness=254, color=(139, 0, 255), timestamp=1604130837.046083, source='api', error=None, lock_set_until=0, lock_get_until=0, learned_set_brightness_max=None, learned_get_brightness_max=100, before_set_brightness_turn_on=False)

Thanks, I added this to the list.

Amazing work my dude.

I can confirm model H6141 is working flawlessly.

If you could get it into HACS for easy updates (not sure how long integration in core will take but surely its a longer process) that would be tremendous.

Well done mate!

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Got it working.

For anyone else having this problem: I had uploaded the files using File Editor but tried deleting them and re-uploading using samba and it worked perfectly.


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Thanks, I updated the first post.

Yes, I’m already thinking about that as it really takes very long and takes a lot of effort. Did you already walk this path with an extension?

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