Govee integration

Same here.
When the tv is on everything is good, google home govee app and HA

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Hereā€™s the same log with the TV and Lights onā€¦and API reporting Online as True

2020-11-12 21:40:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.govee_api_laggat] get_states
2020-11-12 21:40:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.govee_api_laggat] Rate limit total: 100, remaining: 98 in 40.21264290809631 seconds
2020-11-12 21:40:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.govee_api_laggat] state returned from API: {'data': {'device': '`REDACTED', 'model': 'H6182', 'properties': [{'online': True}, {'powerState': 'on'}, {'brightness': 100}, {'color': {'r': 127, 'b': 255, 'g': 0}}]}, 'message': 'Success', 'code': 200}, resulting state object: GoveeDevice(device='REDACTED', model='H6182', device_name='Govee TV', controllable=True, retrievable=True, support_cmds=['turn', 'brightness', 'color', 'colorTem'], support_turn=True, support_brightness=True, support_color=True, support_color_tem=True, online=True, power_state=True, brightness=254, color=(127, 0, 255), timestamp=1605217210.413018, source='api', error=None, lock_set_until=0, lock_get_until=1605215588.553215, learned_set_brightness_max=None, learned_get_brightness_max=100, before_set_brightness_turn_on=False)
2020-11-12 21:40:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] Finished fetching govee data in 0.413 seconds
2020-11-12 21:40:22 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] async_turn_off for Govee light REDACTED
2020-11-12 21:40:22 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.govee_api_laggat] control REDACTED: {'name': 'turn', 'value': 'off'}
2020-11-12 21:40:22 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.govee_api_laggat] Rate limit total: 100, remaining: 97 in 28.105284929275513 seconds
2020-11-12 21:40:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] _async_update
2020-11-12 21:40:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.govee_api_laggat] get_states
2020-11-12 21:40:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.govee_api_laggat] Rate limit total: 100, remaining: 96 in 20.504639863967896 seconds
2020-11-12 21:40:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.govee_api_laggat] state returned from API: {'data': {'device': 'REDACTED', 'model': 'H6182', 'properties': [{'online': True}, {'powerState': 'on'}, {'brightness': 100}, {'color': {'r': 127, 'b': 255, 'g': 0}}]}, 'message': 'Success', 'code': 200}, resulting state object: GoveeDevice(device='REDACTED', model='H6182', device_name='Govee TV', controllable=True, retrievable=True, support_cmds=['turn', 'brightness', 'color', 'colorTem'], support_turn=True, support_brightness=True, support_color=True, support_color_tem=True, online=True, power_state=True, brightness=254, color=(127, 0, 255), timestamp=1605217230.121256, source='api', error=None, lock_set_until=0, lock_get_until=1605217224.520494, learned_set_brightness_max=None, learned_get_brightness_max=100, before_set_brightness_turn_on=False)
2020-11-12 21:40:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] Finished fetching govee data in 0.121 seconds
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That must be the issue ā€¦ the TV is turned off, unpowers the Govee and the state cannot be sent to the api server anymore as the device is down now. Great guys, we nailed it!

So, there should be an fairly easy solution. If we somehow could tell the library to consider an offline device as off, we are done. I do not want this as default, as an internet failure may trigger other automations, but for you two this would probably be perfect.

I added an feature request describing that idea in detail.

I think Iā€™ll find some time on weekend to address this.
I will update the first post again, as the device is working as expected.



I found some time to turn some coffee into code.

This is new:

Update is available via HACS.

Buy Me A Coffee

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There is a slight difference from before:
Using Dark Mode for Home Assistant the integration install box does not show ā€œAPI:ā€. I knew what is supposed to go there, but for any others this may cause an issue.

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Where do you change it to false I canā€™t seem to find it in the files

Iā€™m running home assistant OS and installed this via HACS

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In your config folder there should be a govee_learning.yaml - just next to your configuration.yaml.

the content of the file should already contain a block for each device.
You just need to add the config_offline_is_off line as shown below:

  config_offline_is_off: true

we override that file when the integration learns something about your led strips, so itā€™s probably to edit the file when home assistannt is offline, or at least restart immediatly after edit.

For further informations also consult the docs:

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Correct, thank you.
I was asked to remove the translations folder during review process, seems HACS needs them again. I re-add them.

Hi, does color temperature work for you?
Just wondering if everyone here has this issue:

I could set color temperature once, where I land on the center of the color wheel selecting white with some low brightness. From that on nothing changes anymore, no matter which color temperature I select.

From library side anything looks fine, just mailed api support and want to know where it is working or not.

edit: Answer from Support:
We had fixed the issue you had, please try it again to check if you still have the issue.

I havnā€™t checked this as I am at work.

Iā€™ve added the line to the yaml as adviced, yet itā€™s still reverting back to on even when I manually turn it off.

I tried a reload and its the same

  set_brightness_max: 100
  get_brightness_max: 100
  before_set_brightness_turn_on: false
  config_offline_is_off: true
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uh, sorry for that, I probably overlooked something. I need to check that.

Well, maybe even I should reconsider mis-using the learning file for such things - i started an Options menu which will be much better suited for such configurations. Think Iā€™ll put it in there.

Iā€™ll come back to you when I have progress here.


So finally, we have an options menu ā€¦

You may find the first option interresting - I know some of you donā€™t like that locally generated state with two buttons to turn on and off just after switching - you can turn this behavour off now if you like.

@phairplay your bug was a tricky one :smiley:
When the device is online, we get a boolean true from API. In my tests I used this. Therefore I wrote tests which test against false as boolean. But the API returns ā€˜falseā€™ --> to be exact the string ā€˜falseā€™ which - in python - is true because it isnā€™t an empty string. Glad I found this in reasonable time :sweat_smile:
Nevertheless - it should work with both variants now - either in the learning config for each individual led, or (as global override) in this options menu.

Update is available in HACS searching ā€˜goveeā€™ in integrations.

Good night :slight_smile:

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Is there a way to set scene/effect from the app? eā€¦g mode: scene, effect: Universe ?

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Sadly no, the public API doesnā€™t support it. You may always mail the API support and request it, maybe it helps if more users are requesting features.

I myself asked for a blink command, I got a no some weeks ago, yesterday they wrote theyā€™ll look into it.

Hoping someone can help

Govee H6182_EF38 not working

Iā€™ve set it up and HA has picked up the entity.

When I turn it on/off change colour nothing actually happens with the LED strip

Not sure if this is the log neededā€¦

Logger: govee_api_laggat.govee_api_laggat
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/govee_api_laggat/ 
First occurred: 17:04:02 (29 occurrences) 
Last logged: 17:08:42
error getting state for device 34:D6:A4:C1:38:00:EF:38: API-Error 400: Can not found device state in database
Logger: custom_components.govee.light
Source: custom_components/govee/ 
Integration: Govee LED strips ([documentation](, [issues]( 
First occurred: 17:04:02 (21 occurrences) 
Last logged: 17:07:22
update failed for 34:D6:A4:C1:38:00:EF:38: API-Error 400: Can not found device state in database
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Hm, that log looks strange ā€¦
could you enable debug logging (see first post for instructions) and log startup, a status request and maybe one control action as turning on?

I wonder why you get the device in the first place, but having issues coltrolling and getting state from it later. The debug logs willl give some hints here.


Think Iā€™ve figured it out

Iā€™m an idiot

Itā€™s picking it up

But on the govee app it hadnā€™t connected to wifi

And I canā€™t connect it to wifi on the govee app

Just not working

This must be the issue

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I had this problem on one of my strips, this was the solution from Govee Support. (1. worked for me)

Please donā€™t worry, we are always here to help you.

ā€¢1. De-lete the strip light from Govee app first and then reset the strip light (Reset: Turning on the strip
light, press the middle button on control box for four times while holding the power button.) After
resetting the device, add it again on Govee App.

  1. Unplug the strip light for 20 mins and then replug it.
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Could you provide the logs anyway? It would be nice if we could give prettier error messages to people with the same issue, for that I need to know how to interpret the api answers in this case.

Hey are any of you guys having issues controlling the lights?

Using the app it only shows a Bluetooth connection yet my router does show them connected to the network

Edit looks like an issue with AWS

To our valuable Govee users,

Some of you may find you are not able to use our app properly. Amazon Web Services as a whole are operating abnormally today, which then also affects how Govee Home App works. You may not control your devices via Alexa currently. We need to wait Amazon Web Services getting back to normal. Our technical team are working on this issue right now and weā€™re hoping to have this issue solved ASAP. We are sincerely sorry for any inconvenience this may cause to you.

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