Govee integration

Hi, I have the H7050 ground lights and it seems to work with your integration, I am wondering if it’s somehow possible to control individual leds with this instead of it just changing all the leds to one color as each led is addressable on the H7050?

Am I right they only support bluetooth? For now just cloud/api is supported. There is some work done on bluetooth, but it isn’t production ready.

Sadly the API doesn’t support that.

hey, what’s a good way of getting in contact? i think i could maybe help with the govee integration

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You just did. How do you want to help?

I maintain the govee plugin for homebridge, and I have integrated bluetooth, aws connection and api connection. I’ve made it possible for users to switch to scenes, diy modes etc through the plugin and didn’t know if any of my code could be of use for you?


sure, that sounds great. no need to reinvent the wheel. Shall we schedule a discord/teams talk to get it started? I could pm you my contact details if wanted.

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Yes definitely, discord would be great :+1:t2:


Hi could someone please help I keep getting the following errors in my logs

* update failed for Full_Mac:E5: API-Error 400: {"status":400,"errors":"Device Not Found"}
* update failed for Full_Mac:F9: API-Error 400: {"status":400,"errors":"Device Not Found"}
* update failed for Full_Mac:F9: API-Error -1: _api_request_internal: unknown error: TimeoutError()
2021-11-22 10:33:51 ERROR (MainThread) [aiohttp.server] Error handling request

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 314, in data_received

messages, upgraded, tail = self._request_parser.feed_data(data)

File "aiohttp/_http_parser.pyx", line 546, in aiohttp._http_parser.HttpParser.feed_data

aiohttp.http_exceptions.BadStatusLine: 400, message="Bad status line 'invalid HTTP method'"

2021-11-22 11:30:53 WARNING (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.govee_api_laggat] error getting state for device GoveeDevice(device='Full_MacF9', model='H6182', device_name='Playroom TV Lights', controllable=True, retrievable=True, support_cmds=['turn', 'brightness', 'color', 'colorTem'], support_turn=True, support_brightness=True, support_color=True, support_color_tem=True, online=True, power_state=False, brightness=254, color=(139, 0, 255), color_temp=0, timestamp=1637580643.357066, source=<GoveeSource.API: 'api'>, error=None, lock_set_until=1637568227.753581, lock_get_until=1637568228.753598, learned_set_brightness_max=100, learned_get_brightness_max=100, before_set_brightness_turn_on=False, config_offline_is_off=False): API-Error 400: {"status":400,"errors":"Device Not Found"}

2021-11-22 11:30:53 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] update failed for Full_Mac:F9: API-Error 400: {"status":400,"errors":"Device Not Found"}

yet home assistant never fails to switch on the lights when requested.
I have two H6182 strips.
Living room TV (Powered by the TV)
Playroom TV (Powered by a plug)

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Hi have anyone tried H61411A1 and know if it will work with this integration?

well, seems api is okay

is internet working from the home assistant system? Are the lights paired to the correct api key?

Yes I assume so as they appear operational in HA with no Internet or WiFi issues

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Hello, i have been trying to figure out, but without luck, is there a way to call the govee default scenes through the integration?
I have bought a govee strip with wifi connection and I can turn it on and off, but i guess that the scenes need to be configured throught the app still no?

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Thanks for the work on this. I’m new to HA and have got it running on an old Pi 2 I had knocking about and I liked the idea of the Govee WiFi RGBIC LED Strip for my conservatory. Reading through this thread gave me all the info I needed and it’s working perfectly with HA.

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Running into the same issue. I saw a similar issue listed here and I tried deleting and readding the integration with no improvement. I have an H6159 LED strip so know it’s supported but only get an on/off switch (no color selection, scenes, etc).

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Thanks for the response! Looking forward to see the bluetooth devices working :slight_smile:

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Anybody tried to integrate the Govee Smart Heater?



First thank you four your nice integration.

I use the h615b led Stripe wifi / Bluetooth.

Corlorchange and on/off works well.
Is it possible to change the modes that I can select in den app ?

Thank you

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This is at this moment not possible.
I even contacted the Govee api support team if they will suppoort it in the future.
They replied to me that it would not even a feature they are going to implement in the near future.

So changes that it is ever going to happen is small.


Okay thank you.

Another question I want to buy the rgbic Stripe the Stripe only has Bluetooth. That’s not possible with your integration because we need wifi or I am wrong ?

This Stripe

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Any chance of adding the water sensors, H5054? They were a big sell item for Black Friday and are very reasonably priced.

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