Govee integration

I tried messing around with it in YAML. Still got the same issue when copying/pasting it over in the automations section. Not sure what I’m missing there. The issue for me still remains though WHY the scene will not change it to a WARM white light, when in fact that’s how it’s saved in the scene I’ve setup.

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I can’t seem to find Govee Integration in HACS anymore?
When I search for Govee, all I see is Passive BLE monitor integration.

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it’s there:

Anyone having that same issue?

Strange. I left HACS alone overnight and Govee appeared. My HA is a new install from last night. Maybe it needed time to load the HACS database? Anyways, it’s working fine now, thanks for checking!

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Yes, as I remember it is walking the custom repos, and there are limits on the github token.

Are you replacing the whole automations yaml (not just the action)?
In Configuration - Automations on the top right the 3 dots as shown here:

Don’t know why it isn’t working … maybe an older version? I’m on core-2021.9.7 (just updating to core-2021.10.0).

What’s the best way to troubleshoot untested devices not being detected? I 've already double checked that they show up in Google Assistant, tried reinstalling the integration, etc.

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If they support the Govee API, the device is registered with the Govee Home APP and you requested an API key they should show up. If not, they are BLE (or some onknown transport) devices.

Once they show up you could switch brightness to highest level (to learn the numbers we receive from API). After that you should be able to test what is working using the controls in Home Assistant.

OK, so if I am not seeing the device detected it is likely unsupported because of the connection type? The device definitely connects both via Bluetooth and Wifi, it’s model H605B: Govee Immersion Kit Wi-Fi TV Backlight + Light Bars

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When I think about what the API provides, there is probably not much overlap to what the device needs. This is just an educated guess, but you may be right.

How do you remove a device from home assistant.
I brought a new TV and sold the old one with the lights which I reset and removed from the groove app

I’ve now brought new lights added them fine but can’t seem to remove the old entity

I’m behind the curve. Any luck controlling scenes on the Aura lamps yet?

So just to confirm, I checked the API docs and this is what it is supported: H6160, H6163,
H6104, H6109, H6110, H6117, H6159, H7022, H6086, H6089, H6182,
H6085, H7014, H5081, H6188, H6135, H6137, H6141, H6142, H6195,
H7005, H6083, H6002, H6003, H6148, H6052, H6143, H6144, H6050,
H6199, H6054, H5001, H6050, H6154, H6143, H6144, H6072, H6121,
H611A, H5080, H6062, H614C, H615A, H615B, H7020, H7021, H614D,
H611Z, H611B, H611C, H615C, H615D, H7006, H7007, H7008, H7012,
H7013, H7050, H6051, H6056, H6061, H6058, H6073, H6076, H619A,
H619C, H618A, H618C, H6008, H6071, H6075 , H614A, H614B, H614E,
H618E, H619E

Lol it’s very odd that essentially my kit appears to be one of the few that isn’t support :rofl:

Hi, I’m using the H6144 model (WiFi, RGBIC) and I’m trying to trigger the “DIY” mode. So not just the basic command Turn on/off, Color, ColorTemp or brightness. I don’t see a command in the GoveeAPI for this… I’m wondering how they do it from the Govee App though. Any idea or am I missing something? Thanks for the help

To cover this last-mentioned step I had to “generate” URL to add this integration:

Click here: Link to Integrations: add integration – My Home Assistant


Starting the config flow should just happen, when you finally add the integration in Configuration.

Just wanted to check in to give kudos to OP, and thank him for this fantastic piece. This is a great companion to my new Govee Immersion TV ambilight: I sync the ON-OFF state of my LG OLED and Govee ambilight, so when I turn on my TV the ambilght also turns on, and vice-versa. Just like a native Philips ambilight :slight_smile: I definitely recommend the new Govee Immersion HD ambilight, it really adds to the movie watching experience!


Want to add my thanks to OP for this wonderful integration. Added my H6056 Govee Flow Plus Light Bars and they work perfectly. I use them as monitor back-lights for my work from home setup. Now I don’t have to worry about turning them on/off. The integration/HA take care of it depending upon outside light intensity/time of day. They look great and this integration makes them lot more useful.


Hi Folks,
Firstly thank you for the hard work creating this fantastic Integration.
I’ve just downloaded the zip and done a manual install in to my Custom_components area along with my other custom components. However it fails to show up in the Add Integration area. Any ideas?
I can see the log entry stating that the custom component has been found and there are no other Govee log entries (I also have debug logging enabled for it). I don’t have Hacs installed so this is a manual install.

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Welcome onboard.
did you try lowercase letters in the folder name ‘custom_components’? Linux is picky here. Also I know of people who had issues when copying files over some tools inside the web ui of home assistant (config editors, …). Did you copy/unpacked these using ssh or somewhat?

It should look something like this:

I have the H6125 light strip. Anyone figured out how to get that working yet?

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