Govee integration

Sad day indeed. I just installed the plugin and linked my API (which was working just the other day on Homebridge). My device shows up but i am unable to adjust anything other than brightness, which does nothing.

I agree that i wont purchase another Govee product if they don’t fix their API. I don’t understand why these companies tighten up features that would only help sell more products.

It looks like Govee will role out the local API in late August.

Hopeful this happens and they actually release the documentation.
It looks like they were overwhelmed with how successful their API was; which is a good thing in that this prompted a local API release. If this roles out well, I will definitely up my Govee device consumption.


@Lumute have you found out how to delete a device.? I can delete the entity but not the device.

I didn’t, no… I ended deleting / re-installing the integration, was the only way I could figure out which is actually horrible…

Anyway, they just release a new official Govee integration that communicates with the devices using Bluetooth which makes it local vs depending on the cloud and solving the API restrictions issue. I’m going to give that a try, hopefully all my devices are within range from where I have my Pi 4.

I have not heard any news about the local API that they had promised either but WiFi on a couple of my devices disconnects often for some reason and I have a 2.4 GHz AP very close to them. Really hoping this new BT integration is the answer to all these problems…

EDIT: Ahhh crap! the Govee Bluetooth integration only supports a few Bluetooth thermometers, no lights…

did you get any further with this? i have the same problem…

edit - i solved this issue by selecting version 0.2.2 instead of latest. hope that helps other!

@Lumute I went through the same thing but with a worse outcome. I upgraded HA and then I got a notification for new devices for Bluetooth and some other things, I kind of blindly clicked through everything. I ran into a few errors but nothing that a reset or another click or two couldn’t solve. At the end I realized the same thing as you and that the Bluetooth was only for a few devices but those seem like the same that the Govee Bluetooth HACS supported before. I ended up with a new and duplicate set of Xiaomi Flower Care sensors from I guess the Bluetooth integration which now showed up as Xiaomi BLE devices that were duplicates to my Bluetooth Low Energy Monitor integration which seemed to cause both to fail. I decided to go back to trying to delete the Govee device and did a fresh install and now I can no longer add the Govee integration and I’m getting an error that says, “Cannot connect. Is the API-Key correct and the internet connection working?” I used the correct API but it keeps failing. I’ve deleted, redownloaded, and reinstalled everything Govee related with no luck. Now I have no idea what to do. Smh.

EDIT: Xiaora plant sensors working fine again and the option to use the new Bluetooth integration instead of BLEM seams to be working fine too.

For anyone who is getting the error “Cannot connect. Is the API-Key correct and the internet connection working?” try going to your Govee Android or iOS app and turning on a device. For some reason, it seems like a device needs to be in the ON state for the Govee integration to be installed. Hopefully, this helps someone.

@Lumute I got everything working again and the deleted device is not there. I did two things. The first thing was I deleted the entire govee_learning.yaml file in the config folder. The file had the mac address of the deleted device and somehow I missed had missed that. I think that got rid of the device. After seeing someone else’s comment on another post I did what I mentioned above and turned on one Govee device and tried entering the API and the integration was immediately installed. I think not having any devices in the on state was what was stopping the integration from installing.

@LaggAt you might want to add this to the docs if this is in fact true.

Since HomeAssistant now enabled native BT support, is there any chance to build upon this and get the bluetooth LED strips (i.e. H6125) working? Any plans for this?

That is the whole idea, read latest release summary, Bluetooth will be integrated to core of it.

1 Like

@anon63427907 I must have missed that in the docs. I went back and reread the Bluetooth section and the HGovee section and I don’t see that mentioned. On the forums, I have seen the mention of local support coming for the other Govee products like @Disane87 mentioned but I did not see it in the release summary. The only thing that I saw the docs mention was support for the following.

1 Like

The idea is to include Bluetooth support to core and add supported devices on top of it, but it will be very slow. There are just a couple of devices as of now. I didn’t mean govee is fully supported now, sorry for confusion.


Govee devices are on but still getting this error as well.

1 Like

Is 0.2.2 not the latest version for you? Thats the version I have installed but still having the issues

Logger: homeassistant.config_entries
Source: custom_components/govee/
Integration: Govee (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 08:55:24 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 08:55:24

Error setting up entry govee for govee

Traceback (most recent call last): File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/”, line 357, in async_setup result = await component.async_setup_entry(hass, self) File “/config/custom_components/govee/”, line 67, in async_setup_entry await hub.rate_limit_delay() AttributeError: ‘Govee’ object has no attribute ‘rate_limit_delay’

Interesting, I didn’t have this problem, I guess I was lucky and one of my devices was on or maybe its a new issue with the API, I surely would have had a hard time figuring that out… Glad you got it working.

Hi i’ve had the problem of going my dogee “ambi-light” go offline in homeassistant everytime and sinds a few days almost constantly showing offline. After a while i noticed the official app did the same. There the wifi signalsign goes red and shows as offline. Then i read the API documentation and created a few test calls. What i saw was that the API shows my device as offline but sending commands to it worked as expected. So a “turn on” or “turn off” just worked. I think the API from Govee is reporting a false offline.

I’ve changed the file of the govee integration a little bit. see below and now my HA is working as expected

    def available(self):
        """Return if light is available."""
        return True #

The test script i used in VSCode with the Rest Client extention is below. Save this script in a HTTP file with a extention .http and open in vscode

# replace the key with your own key

# replace the device with your own device


### Get your device list
GET https://{{url}} HTTP/1.1
Govee-API-Key: {{key}}

### Get device state
GET https://{{url}}/state?device={{device}}&model={{model}} HTTP/1.1
Govee-API-Key: {{key}}
device: {{device}}
model: {{model}}

### Turn device on
PUT https://{{url}}/control HTTP/1.1
content-type: application/json
Govee-API-Key: {{key}}

 "device": "{{device}}",
 "model": "{{model}}",
 "cmd": {
 "name": "turn",
 "value": "on"

### Turn device off
PUT https://{{url}}/control HTTP/1.1
content-type: application/json
Govee-API-Key: {{key}}

 "device": "{{device}}",
 "model": "{{model}}",
 "cmd": {
 "name": "turn",
 "value": "off"

LAN operation available now on some products in the Govee APP.
Local API available next month for HA integration :ok_hand:


Very exciting. I’m really hoping this will mean it will be possible to activate scenes via API and thus Homeassistant too as that is my main desire. :crossed_fingers:

The local API will be open to developers from September, so it’ll just be a matter of time :slight_smile:

I have a Govee LED Strip (H61601A4-1) that was working fine up til August 4 and now just shows Unavailable. I’m on the latest HA release (2022.8.2) and I’ve tried removing and reinstalling the integration. When I re-add the integration, it immediately finds the LED light strip, but also says it is unavailable (based on this thread, I also tried re-adding while the LED strip was on (via the Govee app), but got the same result). Looking at the logs below, everything seems okay, but I still get unavailable.

The timing for it becoming unavailable seems to be correlated to the upgrade to 2022.8.0 which added Bluetooth (which I enabled). Could this be causing a problem?

2022-08-09 10:54:59.266 WARNING (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration govee which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant
2022-08-09 10:55:03.916 INFO (SyncWorker_3) [homeassistant.loader] Loaded govee_ble from homeassistant.components.govee_ble
2022-08-09 10:55:09.765 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Setting up stage 2: {'wake_on_lan', 'zha', 'hacs', 'shell_command', 'application_credentials', 'alexa', 'map', 'govee', 'upnp', 'config', 'media_source', 'zwave_js', 'tag', 'my', 'counter', 'homekit_controller', 'alexa_media', 'input_button', 'repairs', 'scene', 'energy', 'adguard', 'switch', 'diagnostics', 'analytics', 'persistent_notification', 'homeassistant_alerts', 'device_automation', 'lovelace', 'rest_command', 'auto_backup', 'input_number', 'script', 'mobile_app', 'trace', 'default_config', 'system_health', 'sun', 'hue', 'cast', 'light', 'ecobee', 'search', 'zone', 'auth', 'holidays', 'logbook', 'input_text', 'plex', 'tts', 'automation', 'person', 'input_boolean', 'history', 'onboarding', 'watchman', 'blueprint', 'google', 'blink', 'input_datetime', 'switch_as_x', 'timer', 'garbage_collection', 'group', 'sensor', 'rpi_power', 'raspberry_pi', 'ipp', 'image', 'minecraft_server', 'input_select', 'hardware', 'accuweather', 'tplink'}
2022-08-09 10:55:14.066 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setting up govee
2022-08-09 10:55:14.067 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain govee took 0.0 seconds
2022-08-09 10:55:14.095 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.govee_api_laggat] govee_api_laggat v0.2.2
2022-08-09 10:55:14.122 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.govee_api_laggat] get_devices
2022-08-09 10:55:14.122 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.api] get_devices
2022-08-09 10:55:18.410 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.govee] API is back online.
2022-08-09 10:55:18.422 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.learning_storage] Loaded learning information from /config/govee_learning.yaml.
2022-08-09 10:55:18.445 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.light] Setting up light.govee
2022-08-09 10:55:18.481 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] Setting up Govee lights
2022-08-09 10:55:18.482 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] _async_update
2022-08-09 10:55:18.482 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.govee_api_laggat] get_states
2022-08-09 10:55:18.659 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.api] state returned from API: {'data': {'device': '65:4B:A4:C1:38:B2:29:79', 'model': 'H6160', 'properties': [{'online': 'false'}, {'powerState': 'off'}, {'brightness': 100}, {'color': {'r': 255, 'b': 0, 'g': 255}}]}, 'message': 'Success', 'code': 200}, resulting state object: GoveeDevice(device='65:4B:A4:C1:38:B2:29:79', model='H6160', device_name='Office LED Strip', controllable=True, retrievable=True, support_cmds=['turn', 'brightness', 'color', 'colorTem'], support_turn=True, support_brightness=True, support_color=True, support_color_tem=True, online=False, power_state=False, brightness=254, color=(255, 255, 0), color_temp=0, timestamp=1660064118.659803, source=<GoveeSource.API: 'api'>, error=None, lock_set_until=0, lock_get_until=0, learned_set_brightness_max=100, learned_get_brightness_max=100, before_set_brightness_turn_on=False, config_offline_is_off=False)
2022-08-09 10:55:18.660 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] Finished fetching govee data in 0.178 seconds (success: True)
2022-08-09 10:55:38.120 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] _async_update
2022-08-09 10:55:38.120 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.govee_api_laggat] get_states
2022-08-09 10:55:38.578 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.api] state returned from API: {'data': {'device': '65:4B:A4:C1:38:B2:29:79', 'model': 'H6160', 'properties': [{'online': 'false'}, {'powerState': 'off'}, {'brightness': 100}, {'color': {'r': 255, 'b': 0, 'g': 255}}]}, 'message': 'Success', 'code': 200}, resulting state object: GoveeDevice(device='65:4B:A4:C1:38:B2:29:79', model='H6160', device_name='Office LED Strip', controllable=True, retrievable=True, support_cmds=['turn', 'brightness', 'color', 'colorTem'], support_turn=True, support_brightness=True, support_color=True, support_color_tem=True, online=False, power_state=False, brightness=254, color=(255, 255, 0), color_temp=0, timestamp=1660064138.577856, source=<GoveeSource.API: 'api'>, error=None, lock_set_until=0, lock_get_until=0, learned_set_brightness_max=100, learned_get_brightness_max=100, before_set_brightness_turn_on=False, config_offline_is_off=False)
2022-08-09 10:55:38.578 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] Finished fetching govee data in 0.458 seconds (success: True)
2022-08-09 10:55:58.001 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] _async_update
2022-08-09 10:55:58.002 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.govee_api_laggat] get_states
2022-08-09 10:55:58.259 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.api] state returned from API: {'data': {'device': '65:4B:A4:C1:38:B2:29:79', 'model': 'H6160', 'properties': [{'online': 'false'}, {'powerState': 'off'}, {'brightness': 100}, {'color': {'r': 255, 'b': 0, 'g': 255}}]}, 'message': 'Success', 'code': 200}, resulting state object: GoveeDevice(device='65:4B:A4:C1:38:B2:29:79', model='H6160', device_name='Office LED Strip', controllable=True, retrievable=True, support_cmds=['turn', 'brightness', 'color', 'colorTem'], support_turn=True, support_brightness=True, support_color=True, support_color_tem=True, online=False, power_state=False, brightness=254, color=(255, 255, 0), color_temp=0, timestamp=1660064158.2595, source=<GoveeSource.API: 'api'>, error=None, lock_set_until=0, lock_get_until=0, learned_set_brightness_max=100, learned_get_brightness_max=100, before_set_brightness_turn_on=False, config_offline_is_off=False)
2022-08-09 10:55:58.260 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] Finished fetching govee data in 0.259 seconds (success: True)
2022-08-09 10:56:18.002 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] _async_update
2022-08-09 10:56:18.003 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.govee_api_laggat] get_states
2022-08-09 10:56:18.253 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.api] state returned from API: {'data': {'device': '65:4B:A4:C1:38:B2:29:79', 'model': 'H6160', 'properties': [{'online': 'false'}, {'powerState': 'off'}, {'brightness': 100}, {'color': {'r': 255, 'b': 0, 'g': 255}}]}, 'message': 'Success', 'code': 200}, resulting state object: GoveeDevice(device='65:4B:A4:C1:38:B2:29:79', model='H6160', device_name='Office LED Strip', controllable=True, retrievable=True, support_cmds=['turn', 'brightness', 'color', 'colorTem'], support_turn=True, support_brightness=True, support_color=True, support_color_tem=True, online=False, power_state=False, brightness=254, color=(255, 255, 0), color_temp=0, timestamp=1660064178.253099, source=<GoveeSource.API: 'api'>, error=None, lock_set_until=0, lock_get_until=0, learned_set_brightness_max=100, learned_get_brightness_max=100, before_set_brightness_turn_on=False, config_offline_is_off=False)
2022-08-09 10:56:18.254 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] Finished fetching govee data in 0.252 seconds (success: True)
2022-08-09 10:56:38.001 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] _async_update
2022-08-09 10:56:38.002 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.govee_api_laggat] get_states
2022-08-09 10:56:38.272 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.api] state returned from API: {'data': {'device': '65:4B:A4:C1:38:B2:29:79', 'model': 'H6160', 'properties': [{'online': 'false'}, {'powerState': 'off'}, {'brightness': 100}, {'color': {'r': 255, 'b': 0, 'g': 255}}]}, 'message': 'Success', 'code': 200}, resulting state object: GoveeDevice(device='65:4B:A4:C1:38:B2:29:79', model='H6160', device_name='Office LED Strip', controllable=True, retrievable=True, support_cmds=['turn', 'brightness', 'color', 'colorTem'], support_turn=True, support_brightness=True, support_color=True, support_color_tem=True, online=False, power_state=False, brightness=254, color=(255, 255, 0), color_temp=0, timestamp=1660064198.271589, source=<GoveeSource.API: 'api'>, error=None, lock_set_until=0, lock_get_until=0, learned_set_brightness_max=100, learned_get_brightness_max=100, before_set_brightness_turn_on=False, config_offline_is_off=False)
2022-08-09 10:56:38.272 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] Finished fetching govee data in 0.271 seconds (success: True)
2022-08-09 10:56:58.001 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] _async_update
2022-08-09 10:56:58.002 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.govee_api_laggat] get_states
2022-08-09 10:56:58.258 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.api] state returned from API: {'data': {'device': '65:4B:A4:C1:38:B2:29:79', 'model': 'H6160', 'properties': [{'online': 'false'}, {'powerState': 'off'}, {'brightness': 100}, {'color': {'r': 255, 'b': 0, 'g': 255}}]}, 'message': 'Success', 'code': 200}, resulting state object: GoveeDevice(device='65:4B:A4:C1:38:B2:29:79', model='H6160', device_name='Office LED Strip', controllable=True, retrievable=True, support_cmds=['turn', 'brightness', 'color', 'colorTem'], support_turn=True, support_brightness=True, support_color=True, support_color_tem=True, online=False, power_state=False, brightness=254, color=(255, 255, 0), color_temp=0, timestamp=1660064218.258192, source=<GoveeSource.API: 'api'>, error=None, lock_set_until=0, lock_get_until=0, learned_set_brightness_max=100, learned_get_brightness_max=100, before_set_brightness_turn_on=False, config_offline_is_off=False)
2022-08-09 10:56:58.258 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] Finished fetching govee data in 0.258 seconds (success: True)
2022-08-09 10:57:18.001 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] _async_update
2022-08-09 10:57:18.002 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.govee_api_laggat] get_states
2022-08-09 10:57:18.242 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.api] state returned from API: {'data': {'device': '65:4B:A4:C1:38:B2:29:79', 'model': 'H6160', 'properties': [{'online': 'false'}, {'powerState': 'off'}, {'brightness': 100}, {'color': {'r': 255, 'b': 0, 'g': 255}}]}, 'message': 'Success', 'code': 200}, resulting state object: GoveeDevice(device='65:4B:A4:C1:38:B2:29:79', model='H6160', device_name='Office LED Strip', controllable=True, retrievable=True, support_cmds=['turn', 'brightness', 'color', 'colorTem'], support_turn=True, support_brightness=True, support_color=True, support_color_tem=True, online=False, power_state=False, brightness=254, color=(255, 255, 0), color_temp=0, timestamp=1660064238.242168, source=<GoveeSource.API: 'api'>, error=None, lock_set_until=0, lock_get_until=0, learned_set_brightness_max=100, learned_get_brightness_max=100, before_set_brightness_turn_on=False, config_offline_is_off=False)
2022-08-09 10:57:18.243 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] Finished fetching govee data in 0.242 seconds (success: True)
2022-08-09 10:57:38.003 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] _async_update
2022-08-09 10:57:38.003 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.govee_api_laggat] get_states
2022-08-09 10:57:38.273 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.api] state returned from API: {'data': {'device': '65:4B:A4:C1:38:B2:29:79', 'model': 'H6160', 'properties': [{'online': 'false'}, {'powerState': 'off'}, {'brightness': 100}, {'color': {'r': 255, 'b': 0, 'g': 255}}]}, 'message': 'Success', 'code': 200}, resulting state object: GoveeDevice(device='65:4B:A4:C1:38:B2:29:79', model='H6160', device_name='Office LED Strip', controllable=True, retrievable=True, support_cmds=['turn', 'brightness', 'color', 'colorTem'], support_turn=True, support_brightness=True, support_color=True, support_color_tem=True, online=False, power_state=False, brightness=254, color=(255, 255, 0), color_temp=0, timestamp=1660064258.273414, source=<GoveeSource.API: 'api'>, error=None, lock_set_until=0, lock_get_until=0, learned_set_brightness_max=100, learned_get_brightness_max=100, before_set_brightness_turn_on=False, config_offline_is_off=False)
2022-08-09 10:57:38.274 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] Finished fetching govee data in 0.271 seconds (success: True)
2022-08-09 10:57:58.001 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] _async_update
2022-08-09 10:57:58.002 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.govee_api_laggat] get_states
2022-08-09 10:57:58.297 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.api] state returned from API: {'data': {'device': '65:4B:A4:C1:38:B2:29:79', 'model': 'H6160', 'properties': [{'online': 'false'}, {'powerState': 'off'}, {'brightness': 100}, {'color': {'r': 255, 'b': 0, 'g': 255}}]}, 'message': 'Success', 'code': 200}, resulting state object: GoveeDevice(device='65:4B:A4:C1:38:B2:29:79', model='H6160', device_name='Office LED Strip', controllable=True, retrievable=True, support_cmds=['turn', 'brightness', 'color', 'colorTem'], support_turn=True, support_brightness=True, support_color=True, support_color_tem=True, online=False, power_state=False, brightness=254, color=(255, 255, 0), color_temp=0, timestamp=1660064278.297513, source=<GoveeSource.API: 'api'>, error=None, lock_set_until=0, lock_get_until=0, learned_set_brightness_max=100, learned_get_brightness_max=100, before_set_brightness_turn_on=False, config_offline_is_off=False)
2022-08-09 10:57:58.298 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] Finished fetching govee data in 0.298 seconds (success: True)
2022-08-09 10:58:18.001 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] _async_update
2022-08-09 10:58:18.003 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.govee_api_laggat] get_states
2022-08-09 10:58:18.262 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.api] state returned from API: {'data': {'device': '65:4B:A4:C1:38:B2:29:79', 'model': 'H6160', 'properties': [{'online': 'false'}, {'powerState': 'off'}, {'brightness': 100}, {'color': {'r': 255, 'b': 0, 'g': 255}}]}, 'message': 'Success', 'code': 200}, resulting state object: GoveeDevice(device='65:4B:A4:C1:38:B2:29:79', model='H6160', device_name='Office LED Strip', controllable=True, retrievable=True, support_cmds=['turn', 'brightness', 'color', 'colorTem'], support_turn=True, support_brightness=True, support_color=True, support_color_tem=True, online=False, power_state=False, brightness=254, color=(255, 255, 0), color_temp=0, timestamp=1660064298.262116, source=<GoveeSource.API: 'api'>, error=None, lock_set_until=0, lock_get_until=0, learned_set_brightness_max=100, learned_get_brightness_max=100, before_set_brightness_turn_on=False, config_offline_is_off=False)
2022-08-09 10:58:18.263 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] Finished fetching govee data in 0.262 seconds (success: True)
2022-08-09 10:58:38.001 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] _async_update
2022-08-09 10:58:38.002 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.govee_api_laggat] get_states
2022-08-09 10:58:38.253 DEBUG (MainThread) [govee_api_laggat.api] state returned from API: {'data': {'device': '65:4B:A4:C1:38:B2:29:79', 'model': 'H6160', 'properties': [{'online': 'false'}, {'powerState': 'off'}, {'brightness': 100}, {'color': {'r': 255, 'b': 0, 'g': 255}}]}, 'message': 'Success', 'code': 200}, resulting state object: GoveeDevice(device='65:4B:A4:C1:38:B2:29:79', model='H6160', device_name='Office LED Strip', controllable=True, retrievable=True, support_cmds=['turn', 'brightness', 'color', 'colorTem'], support_turn=True, support_brightness=True, support_color=True, support_color_tem=True, online=False, power_state=False, brightness=254, color=(255, 255, 0), color_temp=0, timestamp=1660064318.253342, source=<GoveeSource.API: 'api'>, error=None, lock_set_until=0, lock_get_until=0, learned_set_brightness_max=100, learned_get_brightness_max=100, before_set_brightness_turn_on=False, config_offline_is_off=False)
2022-08-09 10:58:38.254 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.govee.light] Finished fetching govee data in 0.253 seconds (success: True)

Any advice for troubleshooting would be appreciated.
