Govee WiFi Thermometer Hygrometer H5151 Intergration Support

I am using the Govee2MQTT integration with the Govee API, and I can see the Govee H5151 hub. I am thinking this Hub is Wifi and actually connects to the same bluetooth temp/humidity sensors that, in other instances, users integrate directly (they look the same as the Bluetooth sensors I use in my other HA instllation.) Has anyone managed to get the temp/humidity data to pull through the H5151. The app can do it, but I was hoping the API would also provide a way to get at that data.

Hi All,

I’m new to Home Assistant and I’m trying to set up my Tenda Beli SP9 smart plugs and my Govee Thermo-Hygrometer Sensors are there any solutions to get these configured and working?

Cheers, Dean

Did you manage to get this working? My thinking is the same, but can’t get the add-on to connect to the h5151 hub.

Hello Thinker3932,

Did you ever manage to get this worked out? I have been working on the same thing and cannot get it to connect. I can get the API to connect to the gateway but it does not list the devices connected to the gateway.


new to HA as well, have the hs5151 and a few ble sensors, i installed the govee2mqtt but it’s not discovering the hub, let alone the sensors

hey boiz, did anyone figure this one out? id love my humidity levels to trigger my humidifier and want to use my govee 5151 :slight_smile: