GPIO16 as output on ESP12S

Hi, ESP newby here.
I bought a ESP12S based development board (link). Unfortunately I cannot find much information about the board, but I did find the datasheet of the ESP-12S module itself. It is supposed to have 9 IO pins, which (by luck) matches my needs. I would like to attach 4 push-buttons and 3 relays right now and add one (or more) I2C sensor(s) later. However that also means I need to use GPIO16 as an relay output, but I’m having trouble getting it to work. I managed to get the four push-buttons and 2 relays to function properly. The last relay which I would to control via GPIO16 is giving troubles. If I understood correctly, GPIO16 differs from the other GPIOs since it has an internal pull-down instead of an internal pull-up and that it is used to wake from deep sleep. I’m not planning to use any deep-sleep, so that should not be an issue. I conducted a small series of experiments, but the results do not make sense to me: (first line of the table is for reference only):

pull Inverted Code Behav without relay Behav with relay
none No - platform: gpio
number: GPIO15
name: Two
Boots normal
off: 0.3mV
on: 3.24V
Short relay on/off flash during boot
off: 0.4mV - 0.0mA
on: 3.19V - 2.0mA
none No - platform: gpio
number: GPIO16
inverted: False
name: Three
Relay on during boot - then reboot loop
0.3mV - unstable
Relay on during boot - then reboot loop
0.3mV - unstable
none Yes - platform: gpio
number: GPIO16
inverted: True
name: Three
Boots normal
off: 0.3mV - unstable
on: 0.3mV - Goes into reboot loop
Relay on during boot
off: 0.3mV - unstable
on: 0.3mv - Goes onto reboot loop
INPUT_PULLDOWN16 No - platform: gpio
number: GPIO16
inverted: FALSE
name: Three
Boots normal
off: 0.3mV - unstable
on: 0.3mV - unstable
Relay on during boot - then reboot loop
0.3mV - unstable
INPUT_PULLDOWN16 Yes - platform: gpio
number: GPIO16
inverted: True
name: Three
Boots normal
off: 0.3mV - unstable
on: 0.3mV - unstable
Relay on during boot - then reboot loop
0.3mV - unstable
INPUT_PULLUP No - platform: gpio
number: GPIO16
inverted: False
name: Three
Boots normal
off: 0.3mV - unstable
on: 0.3mV - unstable
Relay on during boot - then reboot loop
0.3mV - unstable
INPUT_PULLUP Yes - platform: gpio
number: GPIO16
inverted: True
name: Three
Boots normal
off: 0.3mV - unstable
on: 0.3mV - unstable
Relay on during boot - then reboot loop
0.3mV - unstable

Anybody any idea what is going on here and how to get GPIO16 working as a switch? Should I use a hardware pull-up or pull-down? What should be the value?
I could also connect a scope, but since I do not own one myself it’s a bit harder to do so.
I could also just get another board with more GPIO pins, but I still what like to understand what is going on here.

I only just now realized that an input pull-up and input pull-down doesn’t make much sense on an output. Still stuck on the fact that board goes into some kind of reboot loop when GPIO16 goes high low.

Have you seen this page? ESP8266 Pinout Reference: Which GPIO pins should you use? | Random Nerd Tutorials

Yes, I have, and many other pages with similar info. My conclusion from most of them is that it can work like I want it to work and also that I’m actually doing it correctly. Still, it doesn’t work, therefore I’m seeking help. For now, I think that the issue it is related to the specific development board I bought. Is seems that GPIO16 and the reset pin are connected (through a 470 Ohm resistor) on this board. That would make sense if you want to use the deep sleep functionality. I asked the seller for the schematics and support. If that is not successful I’ll buy an ‘official’ Lolin D1 mini and try again.