GPS accuracy after upgrade to iOS 13.4

I upgraded to iOS 13.4 today, and noticed gps_accuracy become very bad.
Here is what device_tracker reports, from HAC app on iOS:
gps_accuracy: 2500
Anyone else seeing the same thing?

iPhone 8 works fine, Only my iPhone XS has this problem too.

Did you find any resolution to this? I am having the same issue…
All of the sudden my alarm turns on, and I am at my kid’s school zone (about 2 miles from home).
gps_accuracy as you described is 2500…I pull down in the app and I am back home, accuracy now 65.
Happened twice this afternoon, very annoying!

iPhone X has me in the correct part of the building I’m in.

I am occasionally seeing Accuracy: 2500. When I refresh, it goes back to normal. I am not sure why though.

I opened a bug for this as the iOS developer will be reviewing all current bugs in the upcoming weeks. Anyone with this issue please leave a note here so we can hopefully identify the root cause.

I’m not sure if this was ever solved or figured out but my wife’s phone does this while mine does not. We are on the same ios 13.5.1 and App 2020.3.1(1) and I am running 0.112.4. Her phone iphone XR will show an GPS accuracy of 65 to 100 when she is in a zone but once she leaves it goes to 2500. The issue is that right when she leaves the house, I get alerts that she’s at Costco, Target, The Gym and School.

We have found in most cases power cycling the device fixes the problems. This is another pointer that the issue is with iOS and somewhat beyond our control :frowning_face: