Know this is a Android 12 feature, but if they anyways to turn this off, without disabling GPS location? Super annoying to have it popup every 30 seconds!
I am running Android 12 on a Pixel 6 Pro and do not get this popup, so there must be a way to turn it off. I would check GPS permissions for the HA app and also check in Location settings as well.
It’s the green dot in the top right hand corner to say it’s being used. Have checked HA app and all permissions granted. Can see any way to turn it off
You can’t turn that off, by design. If you could then people could turn it off to hide the fact that their software is spying on you.
Makes sense. Thanks for the info!
if its a notification channel you can try turning it off
It’s not, see here.
This is happening every 30s and is very annoying, esp if I’m doing something else, playing a game or the like and it pops over. I’ve checked the app config:
Sensor Update Freq is 15 minutes (Normal)
Geocoded Location: 15 minutes
Background Location: Enabled - but not high accuracy mode
Location Zone: Enabled
Single Accurate Location: Enabled; min accuracy 200, min time between updates 60000ms
I’ve turned these all off and it’s still doing the same thing - double checking and it’s the HA app that’s doing it.
I set the Location permission to ask and it stopped, but this disabled all the location sensors. Enabling this to Allow all the time with Use precise location turned these back on, but started the 30s pop up again.
Turning off the permission Use precise location stopped this - turning it on again brought it back so it seems it’s related to this.
Have moved from the beta to the release version of the app and it’s appears to be sorted. Anything that I can help trace with in the beta version?
can you guys please share a screenshot of this pop-up? I am on the latest beta on a pixel 6 pro with location tracking enabled and working and I do not get a GPS is used pop-up.
Are you using precise location and the beta? It seems related to both of those.
Doesn’t seem I can capture the screen with this green dot - bit this screenshot from Google shows what was happening.
The left-hand one pops up, then shrinks to a small dot in the right-hand image.
Super annoying when it’s happening every 30s - I’ve timed it and it is 30s.
alwasy on the latest beta and always using precise location and I never see camera and microphone like that at all.
This is also not an indication that GPS is being used but rather another app using the camera and microphone. Those permissions are only used on the HA dashboard once the permission has been granted. This is typically enabled when you are viewing a camera and need to grant permissions. If you have granted the app these permissions try to remove them as they are not used by sensors.
if you still suspect the issue is from the android app try following the start fresh steps:
I’ll give that a try, the phone was a fresh is install. But with a go.
I know this is 100% Home Assistant using GPS as that’s the message shown when you press the green dot. It’s not the camera or mic.
Did you change any sensor settings? Like enabling include in sensor update under single accurate location sensor? You are the only user reporting this behavior.
@madmic1314 did you ever resolve this? I’m having the same problem.
I switched ROM and it’s greatly reduced, but still there and spends less time on the screen.
By ROM do you mean the Android ROM? I’m running CalyxOS and I’m having the exact problem as you. I’m wondering if this has something to do with being on a custom ROM.
Yep, do mean the Android ROM. I was running Pixel Experience (Android 12 on OnePlus 8T) and this was every few seconds.
Tried every possible combination of location setting in HA app, but nothing calmed it down. The green ‘pin’ was on the screen more than not so I couldn’t see the time!
Tried the release version of the app as well as the beta. Turning location off in the app stopped the popups.
In the end I tried a wipe + reflash of Pixel Experience with the same results. I moved to a new ROM (‘Nameless’) which works brilliantly, I get a few popups, but only what I’d expect.
I do not know if every OS has it but in my LineageOS, at very bottom of developer settings, there is an option to turn it off