GPS Logger does not perform device tracker entity State updates

I have enabled the GPSLogger platform to track my Android phone. The correct latitude and longitude values are being received by HA.

The issue is that the device_tracker.[name] always displays an “AWAY” status on the web interface.

Do I have to create an automation to update the state of the device_tracker entity? I’ve attempted to trigger an action if I have entered a zone, but I cannot seem to find an action to update the state AND state attributes of the device_tracker entity.

Any help is appreciated.


Have you set your home location or any zones in the config.yaml ?

That’s a relief, thank you. I have configured 2 zones in the configuration.yaml file. One for home and one for work. The file currently contains these lines (I’ve hidden the lat/long values just for this reply):

  name: Work
  latitude: [HIDDEN]
  longitude: [HIDDEN]
  radius: 250
  icon: mdi:worker

zone 2:
  name: Home
  latitude: [HIDDEN]
  longitude: [HIDDEN]
  radius: 150
  icon: mdi:home

I’ve also tried to use this format:

  - name: Work
    latitude: [HIDDEN]
    longitude: [HIDDEN]
    radius: 250
    icon: mdi:worker

  - name: Home
    latitude: [HIDDEN]
    longitude: [HIDDEN]
    radius: 150
    icon: mdi:home

Neither change the state of the device_tracker entity.

Are you sure you have the lat and long correct on your locations?

There is nothing you need to do aside from enabling the zones and the device tracker component to get them to show home/away

I’ve verified the lat/long values by using the GPSLogger app when I am at work/home.

I have an update to share. I deleted the automations that I had written to update the device tracker state, deleted the known_devices.yaml file and had it re-created by GPSLogger after restarting the server from the web interface. As a result of those actions, the state of the device tracker entity correctly identified where I am. Hopefully, once I’m out of range of this current location, the state will show “Away”. Thanks to you both for your replies and clarification that NO automation is needed for GPSLogger to update the state of the device tracker entity.