GPS radius change iPhone iOS15 automation based on home, not_home

Hi Guys,

I have a automation that trigger by 2 device_trackers. But since iOS 15 is seems that when you leave the phone the location or GPS is change (sometimes) so it will become outside of the radius range of given in GeoFency or Locative. My radius now is 125m… won’t want change it bigger (it was 75 always)

Now I wrote a test automation to check if device_trackers are home. Now I will get a notification but later it will do the real actual actions. When the device_trackers went on NOT_HOME I have add a delay of 5 minutes to wait. After that it will check if the device_trackers are still on NOT_HOME then proceed the automation.

Can someone tell me if this will work, or tell me if there is a better way?

- id: "arrive_left_test_kay_manual"
  alias: "System - TEST Kay Left or Arrive Locative or GeoFency Manual"
    - platform: state
        - device_tracker.6f4fe526_aa47_4631_9f12_0099dfcb08f4
        - device_tracker.kay_iphone_geofency

    - choose:
        - conditions:
            - condition: or
                - condition: state
                  entity_id: device_tracker.6f4fe526_aa47_4631_9f12_0099dfcb08f4
                  state: "home"
                - condition: state
                  entity_id: device_tracker.kay_iphone_geofency
                  state: "home"

            - service: script.mobile_notify_no_actionable
                title: "TEST Kay Presence"
                message: "{{ Kay Geo/Loc status to home }}"
                thread_id: "system_notification"

        - conditions:
            - condition: or
                - condition: state
                  entity_id: device_tracker.6f4fe526_aa47_4631_9f12_0099dfcb08f4
                  state: "not_home"
                - condition: state
                  entity_id: device_tracker.kay_iphone_geofency
                  state: "not_home"

            - delay: "00:05:00"
            - wait_template: "{{ is_state('device_tracker.6f4fe526_aa47_4631_9f12_0099dfcb08f4', 'not_home') and is_state('device_tracker.kay_iphone_geofency', 'not_home')}}"

            - service: script.mobile_notify_no_actionable
                title: "TEST Kay Presence"
                message: "{{ Kay Geo/Loc after 5 min still on not_home }}"
                thread_id: "system_notification"