I am running HAOS on an x386 and have connected a VK172 G-MOUSE USB GPS/GLONASS USB receiver.
After installing the GPSD integration, I found that it would not configure…
Some Googling led me to the necessity of installing gpsd to HAOS from the terminal. At that point I learned that HAOS uses APK rather than APT.
I installed gpsd using # apk add gpsd and ran it using # gpsd -D 5 -N -n /dev/ttyACM0.
I am then able to configure the GPSD integration which sets up 1 service with 7 entities (latitude, longitude, elevation, speed, climb, time, and mode).
All of this works fine, but if the system reboots, I have to repeat the apk add and gpsd run steps.
How can I install gpsd as a service so that it will start at boot? I gather that HAOS uses s6-svscan rather than systemctl? I know it is probably pretty simple to do, but just can’t figure how… Any help?