GPSlogger device tracking issues after upgrade


I recently upgraded to 96.5 from 94.3. Upon upgrade, I received the following error in my log file:

homeassistant.exceptions.HomeAssistantError: Entity id already exists: device_tracker.dan. Platform gpslogger does not generate unique IDs

Since then I have been unable to reliably track my device location with gpslogger. I tried deleting the existing integration and creating a new one, then configuring my device with a new name. This worked at first, but once either the device or home assistant restarts, this creates a new device with an incremented name. for example:


I receive no errors on the client device itself: all messages state success. There have been no errors in the home assistant log since I deleted the recreated the integration. And I do not understand why the gpslogger integration thinks my device is constantly new, nor do I know where else to go about looking for relevant errors.

  • Is there a way to turn on more verbose logging for this component?
  • Is there a way to purge all the old device entries from HA, so that I can re-rename my device again?
  • Has anything changed about this component recently? Or has anyone experienced this issue as well?
  • Is there any other relevant info I can provide?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Probably not much help, but at least you’ll know you’re not alone. I had similar issues a few weeks ago – around the time I updated from 94.3, which seems to also be around the time changes were made to the known_devices component. I’m a little fuzzy on what all I did to fix it, but it seems like I just identified the instances that were being used (in my case with “_2” appended to the original name), deleted the unused entities from known_devices.yaml, and performed a find and replace on my other .yaml files to update to the new name.
Renaming in known_devices.yaml wasn’t working, but I don’t remember what issue/s it caused. I later discovered that renaming from the developer-tools/state page worked, so I performed another find and replace to change the names in my .yaml files back.

I’ve checked my known_devices.yaml file and found that the component is not inserting new devices into it. It does however seem to still pivot off of it for info such as photos and friendly names. At the moment, the device still reports it successfully is pushing data, but that doesn’t seem to be updating in home assistant at all.


Curious, if known_devices is now deprecated, how is one supposed to manage icons and such? Perhaps I could just eliminate this file from the config entirely?

I’m having exactly the same issue, it’s driving me mad. GPSlogger was working perfectly for me before, now it doesn’t work at all.
I tried deleting the Integration and re-creating (to generate a new WebHook URL). I’ve changed the device name in the GPSLogger android app. HASS is definitely receives the message from GPSLogger, as the new name shows up under the integration. BUT, it does not show up in known devices. It’s like HASS only get acts on the first POST to the webhook, then all others fail and no updates get recieved.


or rather, I found a workaround: I removed the entry from known devices. the only devices in my known_devices.yaml file are using some sort of device tracking other than GPSlogger. With that the device tracks location and other info accurately, and does so across multiple reboots of both the phone and home assistant. Judging by the fact that they’ve deprecated known_devices, this may very well need to be changed for all devices eventually, but at least for the moment it seems to be functioning fine.

so for follow up, three questions:

  1. How do i assign an image to a device without using known_devices?
  2. How do I remove old duplicate device entries from my GPSlogger integration? Do i need to delete and re-add it again?
  3. And how or to whom do I raise this bug to?
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Did you try renaming from the developer-tools/state page?

There may be an easier way but I think I deleted and re-added GPSLogger (including re-configuring each phone). This still resulted in duplicates, but now only two; device_tracker.phone_name, and device_tracker.phone_name_2, with only the latter being functional. I’m pretty hazy on this step, but I believe I just hid the non-functional entities in customize.yaml (hidden: true). I later discovered that renaming from the developer-tools/state page worked, so I just removed the _2s that were appended to the functioning entities.

Sorry, I don’t know. :confused:

Renaming is fine. How does one update the icon or picture? I dont see a way to do this under developer tools.

Sorry, I misread. The last option on the Configuration tab is Customize.

Ah, i see, thanks! I have never used customize.yaml to add a picture to something. Only known_devices. I’ll file this under TIL.

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Thanks, completely removing from known devices worked for me too.