Grafana - adding a graph for switch does not show on graph

i’m using grafana and influxDB with HASS - the connection is working, and typing in influx utility:
SELECT “value” FROM “state” WHERE (“entity_id” = ‘candles_power’)

gives these results:

name: state

time value
1556644946193404928 0
1556648133313927936 0
1556648133346390016 1
1556648141661748992 0
1556648145131539968 1
1556648326815973120 0
1556648326858988032 1
1556648366431236864 0
1556648373087264000 1
1556648644306699008 0
1556648644326247936 1
1556648692065707008 0
1556648696368335104 1
1556648700053554176 0
1556651114262459136 0
1556651114294898944 1
1556651130966201088 0
1556651237034226944 1
1556651240623561984 0
1556652611675614208 1
1556661598876382976 0
1556661604304100096 1
1556662001823774976 0
1556662005484891904 1
1556662248815192064 0
1556662254551554816 1

but i am trying to add this graph to grafana - tried several queries and non work - i cannot see any data in the graph:

when i close query A, the text of it is "SELECT “value” FROM “state”.“switch.candles_power” WHERE $timeFilter "

which is very different than my query executed in influx CLI. it doesn’t seem possible to modify the query in any way to make the text identical to what i was using in the CLI, so how should the query in the UI needs to be configured?

solved it finally - it should be set to “default state WHERE …”