Grafana and HIVE data

Hi all,

I’m relatively new to HA so please forgive and stupidness on my part.

I’ve sent up influxdb and grafana and both are working well for the temperature sensors that are around the house and HIVE except for when the HIVE system is actually on and the boiler is heating up the radiators. Clearly, HA has it as I can see when I expand the history. I can see in Grafana where is says on and off but can find no way of putting it into a graph. Has anyone come accross this?



I’m trying to do this exact same thing

Done it as a seperate dashboard

Please see query here:

Set value mappings:
Set the name:
Then set the interval as required
Outcome is the nice coloured bars dashboard at the bottom named Heating Status:

Hi @daknightuk Thanks for the post but I don’t suppose you know why I don’t see hive_heating do you? Are you using the HA standard hive integration?
All I have is this below, and the only value I see is “auto”


I’m using the temperature from all the TRV’s and my thermostat is called “heating” please see example of both queries:

Kitchen = TRV
Heating = Hive Stat