Grafana and InfluxdB


Im trying to setup Grafana om Hass.IO.
I have followed the steps in the guide, but when i try to add the database to Grafana i get this error:

Network Error: Bad Gateway(502)

I have

Name: hassio
Type: InfluxDB
URL: http://localhost:8086
Access: server

And the correct DB name, username and password

Any ides?

Change this to the exact IP, so for example:


Also don’t forget to use the code formatting tool </> from the text toolbox - otherwise nobody can tell if the indenting is causing you problems.


Nope still same error :frowning:

Under InfluxDB Details does the database read


and for the username & password - just choose ‘grafana’ and ‘grafana’

The problem was the Auth settings in the plugin. I did set auth=no then it works.
Now i need to figure out how to get it to work with auth

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hi - where did Đł set this option?

I had the same issue and turning off Auth got me HA+Influx worked, like you. Was you able to solve settings in Auth? My suggestion is to create certificates and private key to allow work with SSL? Or did you created other users as default admins “Chronograf” and “Kapacitor”?