Grafana SMTP Hass

Hey there,

Have Grafana set up pulling data from influx no problem, but it seems I cannot enable SMTP, as I cant find the grafana.ini file location.

Is the Grafana plugin installaion via UI limited in this sense?

I got this working with:
“env_var”: [
“name”: “GF_SMTP_ENABLED”,
“value”: “true”

Solved …sorry …seems to be something with the apostrophes

I now have this in my config of Grafana

  "ssl": false,
  "certfile": "fullchain.pem",
  "keyfile": "privkey.pem",
  "plugins": [],
  "env_vars": [ 
“name”: “GF_SMTP_ENABLED”,
“value”: “true”

But it doesn’t seem to be correct because I cannot save it. What is wrong ?