I am using Grafana and it is really nice. Now I have included my OpenweatherMap account and I can (for example) graph the current temperature. Now Openweathermap offers an hourly forecast.
What I would like to see is the current temperature and the forecast for this one hour in a single graph. But, and this is my issue, the forcast temperature should be ahead an hour so I can immediately compare the forecast with the current temp and see hour perfect the forecast has been.
So can I display a sensor in Grafana and postpone it an hour (or move the forecast an hour ahead)?
Well… is there a documentation of values I can type in there? It is not a drop-down field.
Ok, “Europe/Berlin” works and I was successful in guessing “Europe/Helsinki” as well as “Europe/Athens” (using a random value resulted in “No data”).
Unfortunately I am too dumb to get the “Cities” timezones like “Europe/Berlin” and so on. I can of course use the current timezone (for Berlin currently CEST) but this will change twice a year. When using “Europe/Berlin” I do not need to adjust it twice a year.
So I figured already “Europe/Helsinki” but as I am looking for a time shift up to 24hrs this is not enough…
I just realized this is not what I was looking for, sorry. Indeed, I can assign time zones to the values. But it will match the entries accoreding to timezones.
I would like to have the entries indeed time-shifted. So the current temperature should show at the same collumn as the forecast of 1h, 2h and so on. Obviously the current temp can not be displayed an hour ahead. But yeah, that’s how it would be perfect.
With the time zones all entries end at the same time and I can not compare the forecast to the current temp.