Graph - what's going on?

Just went to check my thermostat setpoint history…graph makes it look like it is varying all the time?! Why is it not accurately reflecting the actual setpoint which should have been constant overnight?

The history of state changes below the graph matches the graph.

You have some automation using the service input_number.set_value that is changing it according to the listed history.

But the graph shows its at like 74.5 at 4AM, when it should have been 76.0?

Usually people complain that they don’t like the stepped graphs.

Having said that I have no idea how you managed to do it. What sort of entity is it?

Its an input_number which I use to store the thermostat setpoint (which is sent by an automation to the thermostat eventually).


  # These will be the target for the thermostat (indirect, to allow vacation or gradual changes)
    # initial: 70
    min: 65
    max: 80
    # initial: 72
    min: 65
    max: 80

I was confused when I tried to compare my desired setpoint to actual temperature and it makes no sense at all vs actual room temperature.

I can sort of see why the stepped graph doesn’t “look nice” but it seems like smoothing artificially defeats the whole point of graphs to see at a glance what was happening over time.

In my case, it makes it look like the room temperature is moving inversely to the setpoint temperature and I can’t tell what it was supposed to be doing from the graph but rather have to hunt down the actual events.

I just had a look at my input numbers. They do the same thing.

They are the only entity that seems to graph like this. Probably worth opening an issue.

Do it here:

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I will write one up, thanks

Reference: history graph of input_number mis-represents actual values · Issue #9623 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub