Graphs and database stopped working overnight from ESPhome devices

Yesterday I had several sensors that I successfully created a database with influxdb and a dashboard graph to see them. Great. I fixed my second sensor & installed, and now I can see both are coming in to home assistant green front page with data that changes as I turn things on and off, and triggers to start the recorder, but I can’t query the db in grafana to see any of the new data since I turned everything off yesterday.

I am completely stumped. To make matters worse, my HA green stopped connecting when I use http://myname.local.8132 (which was working for a week til today) but it connects when I use the IPADDRESS:8132. I can’t figure out how to fix either of these problems.

The ESPhome devices are working, but when I check the log on the influxdb query it gives this error: traceId:undefined (“undefined” in red), even though the grafana dashboard queries correctly populate the names for each of my parameters.

I can still see the data from yesterday this way but not from today, so I think it’s a record problem, but can’t tell if/when the record function is on. I am confused by the record command not having a parameter to say what database this recording is supposed to take place on. I don’t know what to do.

I created another database with the IP address instead of the name.local address and it shows green when I test the connection, with 14 sensor data coming in, but I can’t get any of that to record. I can’t see a way to make it record all the time except to create (which I did) a state based conditional to start record when the voltage is >100 and <200 (it was 120ish the whole time, and the conditional tests green).

I am hobbled by the fact that my HA and sensors are in a place where there is no internet and I have to drive 2 miles to another place with internet to ask for help or look up new questions, so please give me as many different suggestions as you can think of, and I will try each one in turn.

Here are some questions that are more specific: how can I turn on record manually? How do I properly check to see if it’s actually recording? Where do I go to tell the database exactly where it’s supposed to get information? What is the difference between “GET” and “POST” and which one should I use?

Just a friendly advice: Create paragraphs (line breaks) in your post. As it is now, it is hardly readable and doesn’t entice to actually read it (“wall of text” syndrome)

thanks, I copied from another forum that doesn’t allow carriage returns! (it posts the message instead.) I fixed it to be more readable.