Graphs no longer support mouse overs after update?

I have a sensor with a unit_of_measure attribute which turns the data into a line graph. Before the update I could hover my mouse over the line to get the exact value for that point of data. It looks like that was removed in the update? Is there a way to get that back?

Still working here. Try deleting the history and cache in your browser. A HUGE amount of refactoring was done to the frontend to make things faster and as a result a lot of things weren’t showing properly for me until I did this.

I tried emptying the cache. I also tried it on firefox and chrome. Still no mouse over.

Strange… Is it a specific sensor or all of them?

For me it is also not working in the ‘more-info’ window. Works fine in History panel.

What version is everyone using? I just noticed no one reported that. :wink: I’m at 0.38.2

Also I stand corrected - I am NOT getting data points on the line graphs, only on the bar graphs. I misread the initial post and didn’t check my line graphs.

Since there are a few people reporting this in this thread, has anyone posted a Github issue yet? If so, please provide a link to the issue in this thread so we can report our findings over there.

it is the same for me since 0.38.1 and .2

I have this issue too on 0.38.3

0.38.3 here. I don’t know what previous version I was running before the upgrade.


Added my 0.38.2 observations to the issue.