Great idea for measuring showers and bathrooms..i think

After having messed around with trying to detect if showers or bathrooms are used (humidity rising takes about 10 seconds so not great for knowing if a shower is in use), a possible double whammy…

As i also finally found a use for these aqara vibration sensors :slight_smile: .

If you have the right shower or bath faucets (modern ones probably work best) just place on of these on top/to the side. Measure if the angle changes (vibration, unlike angle, has a 1min timeout) and wham, instant response if the shower or bathroom is in use. You might need 1 or 2 per bathroom, depending on what kind of valve you have.

Ofcourse waterproofing these things is the test i’m currently running, but for now i plastidipped them so we’ll see how that holds up.

What automations are you running that are negatively impacted by a 10 second delay?

I have a color bulb in the bathroom that goes a nice color when the shower is turned on. Doesn’t work as smooth as with something that triggers instantly.

I also have other booleans that get set based on if the shower is on.
I find the humidity rising automations work best for turning on the fan and stuff like that.

You mean showing us images on how you placed the se sensor?