Great Weather Integration. Finally

I’ve been struggling to get a good weather integration for my location here in NZ having tried (temperature way out). Accuweather (no hourly). OpenWeather (bad). WeatherBit (Just doesnt work) and some others but have now come across… wow! It is perfect. It has all the entities I need and it is accurate. I did install from HACs via ClimaCell but it seems they’ve relaunched as tomorrow (launch video).

Check it out. I’m personally very happy with all that it offers. Its free and easy to setup and use.

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There is a core integration for

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ah yeah, nice. Strange that I havent come across it yet considering how much more useful it is than a lot of other weather integrations (for me anyway). Also, why not update the ClimaCell github to say so?

The github hasn’t been updated for quite a while

I like the Integration but not the 5.2 C :grinning:

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hmm unfortunately this integration still not accurate. Currently -1 here but reporting 2. Dammit

Keeps saying failed when you try to create an account on their website.