Greenchoice sensor unavailable after contract switch

Hello all!

My first question as a starter with HA on this forums, hopefully I’m in the right spot for any help…

I’m a Dutch user, therefore I’ve used the Greenchoice Sensor. It worked very well, but last week I’ve changed contracts, so now my API has multiple entries, as describet in the forked version that I used.

I can retrieve the ‘overeenkomst-id’ properly, but when I put the code in my configuration.yaml the sensors are still unavailable. Underneeth the code in mij configuration.yaml file. (The ‘overeenkomst-ID’ is a 7-figure code)


# Greenchoice
  - platform: greenchoice
    name: meterstanden
    password: ******
    username: ********
    overeenkomst_id: *******

Can somebody point me in the right direction?

Thank you very much for your help!