I’m not an absolutely greenhorn but I feel like one right now…
I’ve been working with industrial automation and instrumentation for close to 4 decades, have set up one Zipatile system, one Fibaro HC2 system, given up on OpenHAB (needed FAR too much help to get the most basic functions to work and by reading the support forum, I have the impression that I need to work with OpenHAB 24/7/365 to get the hang of it…) and now I am trying to do a similar thing in Home Assistant and I’m quite stuck…
Hardware: RaspberryPi 3B+ with Aeotec Z-Wave dongle and at the moment one Telldus TZWP-100 Plug-in Switch.
The system is up and runnnig and that went fairly smooth, the Telldus unit can be operated thru the HA main page and also if I operate it with the pushbutton directly on the unit, the status changes immediately on HA main page. So far, so good…
Right now, I only want to automatically turn off the Telldus unit 90 minutes after it has been turned on regardless of where it was turned on and that should be quite simple in my head. I have read the documentation and forum for LOTS of hours and experimented a lot, taken code examples and adapted but absolutely no sucsess…
My automation script looks like this right now (90 minutes changed to 3 sec just for the testing):
alias: Telldus_test
platform: state
entity_id: switch.telldustest
to: 'on'
seconds: 3
- service: switch.turn_off
entity_id: switch.telldustest
Home Assistant.log:
2018-09-13 16:56:50 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http] legacy_api_password support has been enabled. If you don’t require it, remove the ‘api_password’ from your http config.
2018-09-13 16:57:09 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of config is taking over 10 seconds.
2018-09-13 16:57:25 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Timer got out of sync. Resetting
2018-09-13 16:57:29 WARNING (SyncWorker_3) [netdisco.ssdp] Found malformed XML at
invalid request
2018-09-13 16:57:36 WARNING (MainThread) [aiohttp.websocket] websocket connection is closing.
2018-09-13 16:57:44 ERROR (SyncWorker_7) [homeassistant.components.remote.harmony] No activity specified with turn_on service
2018-09-13 16:57:48 ERROR (SyncWorker_15) [homeassistant.components.remote.harmony] No activity specified with turn_on service
2018-09-13 16:57:50 ERROR (SyncWorker_1) [homeassistant.components.remote.harmony] No activity specified with turn_on service
2018-09-13 16:57:53 ERROR (SyncWorker_16) [homeassistant.components.remote.harmony] No activity specified with turn_on service
I have one Harmony remote that I haven’t included in the systeem (yet) but it still appears in the log making errors.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.