GreenIQ Irrigation Controller

I am very glad you are following this path for advanced users, I just would like to try fixing GreenIQ.

It is easy, for Gen2 GreenIQs, it is located in /home/pi/greeniq/Code/ (and for Gen3)


Sure, you need to reset root password as described here for pi user (pi user has been removed by GreenIQ): Changer un mot de passe oublié sur Raspberry Pi en 5 étapes

With this procedure can I replace the GreenIQ SD card?

Yes you can format it, or use another one.

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Incredible !!!
I did every single step you describe, but when greenIQ (3rd gen) turns on and I see all the green LEDs and it doesn’t connect to the wifi that I configured on raspberry …
Can you tell me if I’ve done something wrong?

The LEDs are no longer relevant when you install the new OS, it should be something with the Wifi connection …

Can you confirm that I’ve done the correct steps?
1- install newOS with raspberry
2- configure the wifi on raspberry
3- install SprinklersPi and dependencies …
4- remove the sd card from the raspberry
5- replace the greeniq card with the new one.


I test else, i have gen3 and the same issue green led stay on and no communication with wifi.

Hello.Same here. I cannot get the wifi to work.

I think the Wifi problem is coming from the Stretch version of Raspbian and it’s new naming convention. Try adding net.ifnames=0 on the file /boot/cmdline.txt making sure you leave a space between each one of the arguments.

EDIT: To avoid spamming this forum with unrelated question, please join this discord group where I can reply to specific questions:

I have a GreenIQ device like that, but unfortunately I don’t have SD card in it.
Can somebody send me the SD card files, or can somebody share where can I download them?
Thank you in advance.

Hello. Be aware! the name of your network(ssid) must not contain “_”.

Hi tomdh76
Have you been able to connect via greeniq direct to your box? I’m trying desperately the last days but I do not get access. My user name / Pw is not accepted. I assume the user and pw is not the one used for the app?! But where can I find this initial and correct one?
Can anyone help ?! Cheers

I have the same problem, they says to use the id and password of plstic card but me i don’t have it! I have gen 3 it can be the cause.

And another information Gen 3 don’t have rasberry inside and that can’t work with SprinklerPi

Have you a picture of what is inside Gen3?

Thank you, I did not know it was a custom PCB as Rainmachine did.
I do not understand this user/login issue on the Gen3, the source code seems almost identical from the Gen2.

No I have not, and decided to buy a Rainmachine instead…Even if it could work by direct control I do not see any use in it as it is in that situation not smart anymore…

@a-reda Thanks a lot for your help. Just followed your steps on a Gen 2 GreenIQ (connected via LAN) and everything worked like a Charme.
Need to re-install the cabling and see if iit works as expected but I don’t doubt this.

Thanks! Thorsten

No worries!

Make sure you choose Direct Positive in the SprinklersPi settings



Thank you very much a-reda, this solution is ok for my green gen2. I am so happy.
Before i use Netatmo for weather, how is possible to use this PWS ?

Best regards

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