Hello everyone,
I noticed this morning that the Energy Dashboard somehow doesn’t match the consumption from the Huawei and Shelly dashboards.
as we see, the battery was chared for 30 minutes with 1.122 watt at 00:00 - 00:35
and now Shelly:
shelly measured 1,1 kwh consumption on the grid-meter
and the energy dashboard :
i would expect, when the battery it loaded from the grid, than the total consumption should include the kwh that goes into the battery and the kwh which is needed by the home.
As we see in the dashboard, the sum of consumption and returned energy is exactly the same that shelly meters, but the dashboard didn’t show, that the total consumption from grid (meaning grid-import, that i have to pay) is 1.12 kwh.
On first of june i switch to Tibber and in the next winter, i want to load my battery every time, the tibber-grid-prices are under 20 cent… with the current behaviour, i wont be able to track, how much kwh i import from grid…
or am I making a mistake in my thinking?
PS: i also read the other posts with this topics, but i didn’t found one with the same behaviour… maybe in confugired anything wrong?
or maybe im wrong because i have to compare:
and Dashbbaord: