GridConnect Integration

Any success with getting them to worth via passive BLE?

Grid connect products are Tuya products.
If you use Smart Life app (instead of Grid Connect app) you should be able to use them in Home assistant using Tuya integration.

I like to use community build LocalTuya using HACS. This allow local control. This setup process is more involved but you can follow the steps to setup LocalToya

Note: GridConnect products replaced most of the ESP chips as a result you can not flash with Tasmota any more :angry:

For now avoid BLE products. Support is not there yet


Tuya app for WiFi products / Tuya Integration in Home Assistant. It works fairly well, but will always be cloud based (Tuya seems to have given up on local support).
BLE may work with the latest (2022.8 and above) versions of Home Assistant, but don’t assume this, best to always check.
There are plenty of alternative products if you do not already own Grid Connect products, so consider that also.

Hi guys. Just letting you know that I purchased one of the arlec bulbs

from Bunnings today and I have it functioning fantastically with local tuya. A bit of mucking around but happy to share my config if you guys want it. I believe it is a BLE model but it is working

Can you please share your config mate? I have trying to reuse my grid connect sensor pack and power plugs.

Question, all my devices are connected to a wifi network without internet access, does TuyaLocal still operate without internet?


I’m really keen to deck my new house build with Grid Connect as they’re Australian Certified, reasonably priced and readily accessible from Bunnings. I plan to secure my smart home using a local restricted VLAN only providing internet access to any devices where absolutely unavoidable or on a temporary basis for set up.

As this is a major decision from a house build standpoint can you help me with this decision. Specifically are there any Grid Connect devices that DOES NOT WORK with the Tuya v2 platform and in turn won’t work with Home Assistant.

The key requirements for me are specifically certified to Australian legal standards (for my building surveyor) and the ability to integrate to Home Assistant.

Any other feedback based on your hands on experience is also appreciated.

Since the Grid Connect gear is basically rebranded Tuya by default it expects to use their cloud platform. Your best solution is the re-flash all the devices to ESPhome so there is never any need for an external network connection.

In my honest opinion,

Stick with esphome for everything.
It’s reliable and easy to use and setup, I’ve done everything with esphome now and I swear by it.

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