Grocy - Custom component and card(s)

First thing, clear your cache. Then look at what the developer console says. Press F12 and go to Console, before trying to add the card again. You should probably have some red error messages. When you have them, make an issue in the repo.

My Grocy installation worked fine until i updated HA to 2021.5.4 and suddenly all my chores vanished form my card, I could see all the chores in the sensor but was not shown in the card. After some trial and error I find out that if I added the parameter “show_days” and set it to for example “7” every thing worked ok again. So my question is, as this parameter is optional according to the documentation, is it a bug or a hick-up in my system. Loggs are not showing anything.
Best regards

I have made a pre-release with merged tasks and chores card.
Please try it out!

The config has changed to entity being a list, like this, but should be backwards compatible if you only have chores/tasks. The other config options should still work, but some only affect chores.

    - type: custom:grocy-chores-card
        - sensor.grocy_chores
        - sensor.grocy_tasks

can we add it as a pre-release on HACS.

Also is there any way to add Tasks or shopping list by google home?

I had the same issue. I had ‘everything’ and then a ‘7 day’ card. Awhile back the ‘everything’ said No Chores, so I changed it to 30 days.

This should be fixed again in the pre-release! Not adding the config choice for show_days should now again result in all items being showed.

It’s there.

good work, yes v3.1 working with tasks…
Screenshot from 2021-05-24 19-20-12
Can I ask you if you can help me try to make an overdue an actions so I can use it in my notification…

So what you would like is basically an addition to each chore item in the sensor, like this?

- id: 1
  name: Do laundry
  description: ''
  overdue: true
  overdue_days: 4

There is also binary sensors that indicates if there is any overdue chores or tasks and contains an item list with only overdue items.

@teachingbirds each chore for a sensor would be great if it can be done :heart:… … If not how would I use the binary sensors? To make the sensors?

I do not have the time to refactor the integration to make a sensor for each chore, but am open for prs if anyone would have a go at it.

I can try to make an example of a template sensor and post it, when I have the time for that!

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Another pre-release of the card up now, it should no longer stop working and take the whole view with it when (either of) the sensors are unknown. :grimacing:
Also I added an option for show_empty, which is true by default, but if set to false will hide the card when it’s empty.

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Just update to 3.02 still working. :slight_smile:

@teachingbirds :slight_smile: example of a template senson will be nice :slight_smile: I never know how to make them but I look at your example when you get time and I try and work out if I can make them thanks :-)…

So this is an example of a sensor for your bird room chore, with id 4.
If anyone else would like the same kind of sensor, you need to look at the chores in your sensor.grocy_chores and look for the id of the chore you want to use. Then change the 4 in the template sensor below to your id, in both the state and overdue_by_days-attributes template.

  - binary_sensor:
      - name: Bird cleaning overdue
        state: "{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.grocy_overdue_chores', 'chores') | selectattr('id', 'eq', 4) |list | count != 0 }}"
        device_class: problem
          overdue_by_days: >
                      {% set midnight = now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0).timestamp() %}
                      {% set event = (state_attr('binary_sensor.grocy_overdue_chores', 'chores') | selectattr('id', 'eq', 4) |list)[0].next_estimated_execution_time | as_timestamp %}
                      {% set delta = ((event - midnight) // 86400) | int %}
                      {{ delta * -1 }}

The resulting binary sensor will give you an on-state if the chore is overdue, and the attribute overdue_by_days will show you by how much.

Not overdue:



Thanks :kissing_heart::kissing_heart:. Keep the work up…

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Pre-release v3.1.0b available now.
This contains fix for the service for add generic that stopped working a while ago, and a fix for distinguishing between an unavailable sensor and a sensor that should have state 0. Also adds ability to use gui editor for service calls.

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Yep have don your 2 updates and working :+1:

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Just released a new feature for the card!
show_create_task: true will give you this at the bottom of the card (it will be collapsed as default). It will automatically fill the date field with the current time and date. You can change to only date, another date and time, or remove it (will create a task without due date).



Nice work… Was testing it out an could not find it I was using my mobile phone with Android app… So I double checked on my computer and I do see add task… Well done @teachingbirds, :+1::+1: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: hopefully easy fix for my phone…but still well done looks cool

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