Grohe Sense - Why deprecated

There has been a Grohe Sense integration available in the core. Why has it been deprecated and can it be made available again?

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I don’t see an integration in core for this. Do you have a link?


I see a very long standing Feature Request to add one for that.
For a 5 year long request only has a few votes (33):
Grohe Sense (Ondus).

I also see a custom integration that is likely accessable thru HACS or via the github repo:
GitHub - gkreitz/homeassistant-grohe_sense: Grohe Sense integration for Home Assistant.

So not sure what you are referring to.

Thanks for the reply.

a) The integration provided by gkreitz on GitHub does not load in the latest HACS version. So I cannot try.

b) I saw some articles in this forum, that made me believe, that a Grohe Sense integration had existed in the past.

Thanks again and perhaps more people get interested and vote for an integration.

Put in an issue with the author of the custom integration. Maybe they know there is a problem, maybe not.
Either way the additional data you provide could be valuable, or you might find a way to make it work there.
Of course someone could see this and help as well. Unfortunately all I can offer is advice on how the ‘system’ works.

I’ve found that this fork of the above repo works well with current HA:


@VinceDD Did you find it in HACS or did you install it manually?

I installed it via HACS

I found it from looking at forks of the original project in GitHub. Then I installed it via HACS by providing the full GitHub repository location.


I’m the maintainer of the above mentioned repo, so thanks for sharing it here @VinceDD. I’ll try to keep it up-to-date and also include some new sensors/features always when I find some time. As I’m having a Grohe Sense and a Grohe Sense Guard at home my goal is to always have that information within HA.
I’m also trying to get it into HACS by time, so that you don’t need to go the way with the repo-url in future.


Hi, I’m looking for an intelligent waterstop with ha- inetragtion. The Grohe Sense Guard (Sense Guard | GROHE) is my favortite. Will it work via Hacs now?

Hi. It is working via HACS but you still need to go the way with providing the full url as a custom repository. You can try my repository VinceDD was sharing the link above.

This is awesome. I suggest you add a Custom Integrations - Home Assistant Community post to announce and track your project on the HA Forum. This is the tail end of a closed post and may prove hard to find…

… nice if that would work. Only when I want to install the extension do I get the following error message:

“repository structure for master is not completed”

Would anyone have a tip for me?

Just tried tried to install the repository. No issues during installation, but I only see 1 Device (Sense Guard) and 2 Entities (valve and notifications).

Below is the output from the log (replaced unique ID with xxx - probably not necessary, but better safe than sorry)
Any ideas what went wrong


2024-12-25 11:08:50.416 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.grohe_sense] Loading Grohe Entry
2024-12-25 11:08:50.603 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.grohe_sense.api.ondus_api] Login to Ondus API
2024-12-25 11:08:50.604 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.grohe_sense.api.ondus_api] Login with username/password
2024-12-25 11:08:51.297 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.grohe_sense.dto.grohe_device] Getting all available Grohe devices
2024-12-25 11:08:51.297 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.grohe_sense.api.ondus_api] Get locations
2024-12-25 11:08:51.454 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.grohe_sense.api.ondus_api] Get rooms for location xxxxxx
2024-12-25 11:08:51.523 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.grohe_sense.api.ondus_api] Get appliances for location xxxxxx and room xxxxxx
2024-12-25 11:08:51.689 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.grohe_sense.dto.grohe_device] Found in location xxxxxx and room xxxxxx the following appliance: xxxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxx from type 103 with name MIN GUARD
2024-12-25 11:08:51.690 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.grohe_sense.sensor] Adding sensor entities from config entry <ConfigEntry entry_id=xxxxxxxxxxxxx version=1 domain=grohe_sense title=Grohe Sense state=ConfigEntryState.SETUP_IN_PROGRESS unique_id=GroheSense>
2024-12-25 11:08:51.690 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.grohe_sense.api.ondus_api] Get appliance details for appliance (type insensitive) xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx
2024-12-25 11:08:51.693 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.grohe_sense.valve] Adding valve entities from config entry <ConfigEntry entry_id=xxxxxxxxxxxxx version=1 domain=grohe_sense title=Grohe Sense state=ConfigEntryState.SETUP_IN_PROGRESS unique_id=GroheSense>
2024-12-25 11:08:51.693 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.grohe_sense.entities.entity_helper] Adding valve Valve for device MIN GUARD
2024-12-25 11:08:51.696 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.grohe_sense.todo] Adding todo entities from config entry <ConfigEntry entry_id=xxxxxxxxxxxxx version=1 domain=grohe_sense title=Grohe Sense state=ConfigEntryState.SETUP_IN_PROGRESS unique_id=GroheSense>
2024-12-25 11:08:51.696 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.grohe_sense.entities.entity_helper] Adding todo Notifications for device MIN GUARD
2024-12-25 11:08:53.355 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.grohe_sense.entities.entity_helper] Adding sensor Temperature for device MIN GUARD
2024-12-25 11:08:53.366 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.grohe_sense.entities.entity_helper] Adding sensor Water consumption for device MIN GUARD
2024-12-25 11:08:53.371 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.grohe_sense.entities.entity_helper] Adding sensor Average daily consumption for device MIN GUARD
2024-12-25 11:08:53.375 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.grohe_sense.entities.entity_helper] Adding sensor Latest consumption for device MIN GUARD
2024-12-25 11:08:53.377 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.grohe_sense.entities.entity_helper] Adding sensor Latest max flow rate for device MIN GUARD
2024-12-25 11:08:53.380 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.grohe_sense.entities.entity_helper] Adding sensor Average monthly consumption for device MIN GUARD
2024-12-25 11:08:53.382 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.grohe_sense.entities.entity_helper] Adding sensor Actual flow rate for device MIN GUARD
2024-12-25 11:08:53.385 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.grohe_sense.entities.entity_helper] Adding sensor Actual pressure for device MIN GUARD
2024-12-25 11:08:53.388 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.grohe_sense.entities.entity_helper] Adding sensor Latest notification for device MIN GUARD
2024-12-25 11:08:53.391 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Error while setting up grohe_sense platform for sensor
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 366, in _async_setup_platform
    await asyncio.shield(awaitable)
  File "/config/custom_components/grohe_sense/", line 30, in async_setup_entry
    entities.extend(await helper.add_sensor_entities(coordinator, device, notification_config))
  File "/config/custom_components/grohe_sense/entities/", line 55, in add_sensor_entities
    if self._is_valid_version(device, sensor):
  File "/config/custom_components/grohe_sense/entities/", line 27, in _is_valid_version
    return device.stripped_sw_version >= sensor_version
  File "/config/custom_components/grohe_sense/dto/", line 40, in stripped_sw_version
    return tuple(map(int, self.appliance.version.split('.')[:2]))
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''


can you please create an issue within the github repo. It seems like your version is not matching the common naming convention for the Sense Guard (which is interessting).

When creating the issue, can you please also attach the output of the Action: ‘Grohe Sense: Get Dashboard’ in it, then I should have everything for checking.

Also, have you installed it via HACS and if so which version. If not, which branch are you using.


Hi Schilli

Thanks for your response
Haven´t tried to open an issue on github before, but I will give it a shot :slightly_smiling_face:

I did install it today via HACS, and just picked latest version (it seems to be v0.22.1 when I look in integrations)

I’m not sure what you meen by “attach the output of the Action: ‘Grohe Sense: Get Dashboard’”


would be great if you just could open it there so I can keep track of it there as well :blush:

In regards to the actions, you can go to the actions via the developer tools and need to choose the one from the screenshot below and click on perform

The most interesting part of the output is the following within the appliance path for your sense guard:

version: 03.06.Z22.0400.0101

Thats what the version looks for me :blush:


Hi again
I have opened an issue on github (hopefully :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:)
Looking in the output of action … it looks like version is empty
version: “”
but the good part is it actually looks like it gets the other values (flowrate, consumptions etc)