Group Buienradar, how to change names?

Dear all!

I’ve created my first group, using elements from the Buienradar component.
This is what is looks like in the UI:

I am wondering, is it possible to change those br Humidity, br Pressure etcetera, to another name? And if so, where can I do it?

watch this video is really easy

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whatch the video from beginning to end you will learn a few things more

I did, thank you very much! :slight_smile: @Kem

How did you get the Buienradar sensor in a group?
I have added them to a group, but they are not visible in the front end.

name: weer
- sensor.weer_symbol
- sensor.weer_temperature
- sensor.weer_wind_speed
- sensor.weer_pressure
- sensor.weer_humidity

The sensors are visible in States as well: group.weer