Group entities in a device

I have a Fibaro FGS223 Double switch and it creates two entities, as it should.

But is it possible to group them into just one entity? I never turn just one of them on/of, but always both. yeah, I guess I could get an electrician to fix it, but to make it a tad easier, is it possible to group them as one in z-wave instead (using z-wave2mqtt).

What I mean is not just to group the on/off switch, but also the power/electricity, and keep all in one device.

so now i have:

Device: lamps
- lamp1
- lamp2
- power lamp 1
- power lamp 2
- energy lamp 1
- energy lamp2

What I want is:

Device: lamps
- lamp1+2
- power lamp1+2
- energy lamp1+2

Package them in a switch template

But as far as I know that will only package the on/off-part, not the energy and power.

And I want all of it in one device.

My initial thought is if it possible to group them in the z-wave controller?

You can group several entities in one using helpers.

yes, but that would be 3 goups, one for switches, one for power an one for energy. I would prefer to keep it in one device as it is now.