I want to group the stuff on my home page by things like room/server; but I am not finding a good example. This is the part I am not good at. GUI stuff… any help would be appreciated.
Did you look at these yet?
Here an exemple … my config
group: tempsparcours: name: Temps de Route entities: - sensor.google_travel_time - sensor.google_travel_time_2 rdc: name: Rez De Chaussee view: yes entities: - light.bibliotheque - light.hue_lightstrip_1 - light.salon_couleur - media_player.panasonic_viera - media_player.chromecast2 - switch.salon - switch.bureau trackm: name: Tracking des personnes entities: - input_boolean.trackme_arno - input_boolean.trackme_laura - input_boolean.trackme_dim etage: name: 1er Etage view: yes entities: - light.chambre etage1: name: 1er Etage entities: - light.chambre salon: name: Salon entities: - light.bibliotheque - light.hue_lightstrip_1 - light.salon_couleur - input_boolean.cast_light - input_boolean.rainbow_light - media_player.panasonic_viera - media_player.chromecast2 dring: name: Reveil Matin entities: - input_select.choixreveil - input_boolean.reveil - input_boolean.lightreveil free: name: Freebox entities: - input_boolean.freebox - input_select.chainefree ambiance: name: Ambiances entities: - script.ocean - script.forest - script.hiver - scene.Salon_normal - scene.RougeLove - scene.Salon_soft - scene.forest - scene.Allume - scene.Eteint - scene.Salon_lumi scene_prise: name: script prises entities: - scene.Allume_Tout - scene.Eteint_Tout prises: name: Prises connectees entities: - switch.bureau - switch.salon weathergroup: name: La meteo & internet entities: - camera.france - camera.infrarouge - group.meteo - group.internet view: yes courses: name: Liste des courses view: yes entities: - script.envoiliste - input_boolean.acheter - input_boolean.bieres - input_boolean.papierwc - input_boolean.coca - input_boolean.lessive - input_boolean.poulet - input_boolean.steak - input_boolean.poisson - input_boolean.shampooing - input_boolean.geldouche - input_boolean.cafe - input_boolean.petitdej - input_boolean.cremefraiche - input_boolean.tomates - input_boolean.pommedeterre - input_boolean.poivron - input_boolean.oignon - input_boolean.pizza - input_boolean.riz - input_boolean.pates - input_boolean.jambon - input_boolean.apero - input_boolean.sacpoubelle - input_boolean.deo - input_boolean.dentifrice - input_boolean.oeufs - input_boolean.lait salonlight: name: lumieres salon entities: - light.bibliotheque - light.hue_lightstrip_1 - light.salon_couleur salonlightcoul: name: salon couleur entities: - light.hue_lightstrip_1 - light.salon_couleur devices: name: personne entities: - device_tracker.laura_iphone - device_tracker.hokagegano_r7sf - device_tracker.dim_nexus5 internet: name: internet entities: - sensor.speedtest_ping - sensor.speedtest_download - sensor.speedtest_upload meteo_group: name: meteo entities: - sun.sun - sensor.weather_forecast - sensor.weather_cloud_coverage - sensor.weather_humidity - sensor.weather_ozone - sensor.weather_precip_intensity - sensor.weather_precip_probability - sensor.weather_pressure - sensor.weather_temperature - sensor.weather_wind_speed - sensor.weather_minutely_summary - sensor.weather_hourly_summary - sensor.weather_daily_summary prevision: name: previsions à 3h entities: - sensor.weather_temperature_2 - sensor.weather_pressure_2 - sensor.weather_humidity_2 - sensor.weather_wind_speed_2 - sensor.weather_rain meteo: name: meteo entities: - sun.sun - sensor.weather_forecast - sensor.weather_cloud_coverage - sensor.weather_humidity - sensor.weather_ozone - sensor.weather_precip_intensity - sensor.weather_precip_probability - sensor.weather_pressure - sensor.weather_temperature - sensor.weather_wind_speed - sensor.weather_minutely_summary - sensor.weather_hourly_summary - sensor.weather_daily_summary - sensor.weather_temperature_2 - sensor.weather_pressure_2 - sensor.weather_humidity_2 - sensor.weather_wind_speed_2 - sensor.weather_rain default_view: entities: - group.tempsparcours - group.etage1 - group.salon - group.dring - group.free - group.ambiance - group.scene_prise - group.prises - group.devices - group.trackm
default view is the view on the first page, with this keyword you can display the groups you need, and create some group not displayed but existing.
Got it, tyvm guys.
I still plan on getting to that Ambiances project; got the videos and some of the lighting scripts, just have to get some time. I still love that though!