Group of covers cannot be closed by automation with homeassistant.turn_off service

Hi all,
this is my group:

This is the group definition in groups.yaml:

  name: Jalousien im Erdgeschoss
  icon: mdi:window-shutter
    - cover.jalousie_terrasse_links
    - cover.jalousie_terrasse_rechts
    - cover.jalousie_bodentiefes_fenster
    - cover.jalousie_kueche_west
    - cover.jalousie_kueche_nord_links
    - cover.jalousie_kueche_nord_rechts

HA Docker image version is 2022.3.6.

Here’s my automation:

- alias: Jalousien schliessen mit linkem Zentraleknopf
    - platform: event
        device: shellyswitch25-C45BBE7741F9
        channel: 1
        click_type: single
    - service: cover.close_cover
          - cover.jalousie_terrasse_links
          - cover.jalousie_terrasse_rechts
          - cover.jalousie_bodentiefes_fenster
          - cover.jalousie_kueche_west
          - cover.jalousie_kueche_nord_links
          - cover.jalousie_kueche_nord_rechts
#    - service: homeassistant.turn_off
#      target:
#        entity_id:
#          - group.jalousien_groundfloor

The automation like you see here works as expected. But if I switch the commenting in the action to this

#    - service: cover.close_cover
#      target:
#        entity_id:
#          - cover.jalousie_terrasse_links
#          - cover.jalousie_terrasse_rechts
#          - cover.jalousie_bodentiefes_fenster
#          - cover.jalousie_kueche_west
#          - cover.jalousie_kueche_nord_links
#          - cover.jalousie_kueche_nord_rechts
    - service: homeassistant.turn_off
          - group.jalousien_groundfloor

nothing happens when I trigger this automation. What is my mistake? It’s not a cover group. It’s an ordinary group that happens to contain only covers at the moment. The covers are all Shelly 2.5 devices. I believe I have done everything as described in the documentation and seen in examples.

Thank you in advance for having a look.

Okay, what also works is calling cover.close_cover on the group (which is just an ordinary group):

    - service: cover.close_cover
          - group.jalousien_groundfloor

I also tried adding a light.deckenlicht_wohnzimmer (a hue light) to the group. When I now use homeassistant.turn_off on the group, the light is switched off, but the covers don’t close. When I use cover.close_cover in this group, the covers close, but the light remains on.

This seems to indicate that the translation of homeassistant.turn_off on the group to the closing of the individual covers is somehow broken.

For covers you should use a cover-group, for lights a light-group. Then you can use the same service-calls as on individual devices

Thank you @seanomat, but doesn’t the documentation state otherwise? I don’t see anywhere here that I cannot fix types of devices:

This doc describes how to form groups, how there states are represented in Lovelace, etc. but nothing about how to target service calls at its members.

A cover does not have a service “turn_on”.
If you want to use cover services you have to use a cover. A group is not a cover.

You might be able to call the service “cover_open” against a general group of covers. However a light in the same group would not respond and might throw an error as it doesn’t have a service “cover_open”.