Group of lights with area

Hi, I created a light group on configuration.yaml, only the code is incorrect if I put “area_id:” how can I put it?
ATTENTION, when the group is switched on or off inside the areas you must call up only the lights and not buttons and more inside the area.

#accensione e spegnimento
  - platform: group
    name: accendi/spegni luci
      - bagno_grande
      - bagno_piccolo
      - camera_da_letto
      - cucina
      - soggiorno
      - sgabuzzino
      - studio
      - light.luce_anti_bagno
      - light.faretti_bianchi_ingresso_e_corridoio
      - light.faretti_salotto
      - light.faretti_cucina
      - light.faretti_camera_da_letto
      - light.faretti_studio
      - light.terrazzo_grande
      - light.terrazzo_piccolo