Group push notification to iPhone

Good morning all,

I’m trying to create 3 notification group. I’m having hard time to figure this out. I’m pretty new to home assistant. As it is difficult to lear I like it.

Here is what I need to do. Three groups: all iPhones, kids and adults. How can I do this? Is there integration for that? I don’t see helper menu for notification ?

Both my wife’s and my Iphone are connected to HA and I can create automations whereby messages are sent to either or both the phones. Another option may be Pushover.

So i have all our phones connect to HA and i can send individual notification or keep adding actions for each phone on the same automotion but i cant just do a group. this is what i get when choosing where they go.

I understand. Maybe it is possible to create Automation 1 without a trigger but with the various family members as notifications in Actions, and Automation 2 with the trigger of your choice and then Automation 1 as the Action ?

Just set up a notify group, note it needs to be in yaml.

Great, thank you I have been reading about it but since I’m so new to this platform little worry that I’m going to screw some stuff up.

Can you point me to good example for notification group. How it would look like and what should have in it.

Also stupid question but the file to be edited is the configuration.yaml file correct? Main configuration file. I just keep adding to it correct ?

In configuration.yaml:

  - platform: group
    name: all_phones
      - service: mobile_app_sm_aaaa
      - service: mobile_app_sm_bbbb
      - service: mobile_app_sm_4201
      - service: mobile_app_sm_4202
      - service: mobile_app_sm_xxxx
      - service: mobile_app_sm_yyyy
  - platform: group
    name: kids_phones
      - service: mobile_app_sm_aaaa
      - service: mobile_app_sm_bbbb
  - platform: group
    name: teens_phones
      - service: mobile_app_sm_4201
      - service: mobile_app_sm_4202
  - platform: group
    name: adults_phones
      - service: mobile_app_sm_xxxx
      - service: mobile_app_sm_yyyy

Then, in automations:

  - service: notify.all_phones
      title: To everyone
      message: Dinner is ready.


  - service: notify.kids_phones
      title: To kids
      message: Go to bed!


  - service: notify.teens_phones
      title: To teens
      message: Hide the weed.  They are home!


  - service: notify.adults_phones
      title: To adults
      message: Wanna get frisky?

Jeffcrum thank you. I figure it out what to replace "aaaa’ and “bbbb” with. devices names like my phone was “iphone_adam”. Now I do have send notifications to all hones in the drop down. When selected and event or device is trigger it will not send notifications. is there something else i have to do?

From your above post, your phone is mobile_app_adam_iphone

so it should look something like this:


  • platform: group
    name: all_phones
    • service: mobile_app_adam_iphone or - service: mobile_app_sm_adam_iphone ?

it’ll be whatever your service is named, only you know that because only your system created it. He’s not going to know that without seeing what notify services you have. Go to developer tools → services and search for your notify service and find the entity_id.

Got it figure it out. This is a great platform a lot to learn.

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Now if i can only figure it out how to write templet sensor so i can have all my temp sensors average temperature and send it to one thermostat. I watch tons of videos and still little lost.

make a sensor group and choose average. No need for templates. All UI

Thank you, I did it with helper option

Now how do i get my 2nd floor thermostat to read that group and adjust to it?

This looks a little bit different for me in version 2024.9.1

in config use: mobile_app_adam_iphone . that is the name showing on your picture above.

For notifications
In Automation UI pick Action not Notification, then in action is notify.all_phones