Group Sonos cards

I have two separate Sonos speakers in the same room that I only ever play together as a group via the Sonos app.

These speakers were picked up by Home Assistant automatically and show separately on my “Overview” screen.

Is there a way I can display them as just one card, since they are only ever used as such? The solutions I’ve found around SONOS_JOIN seem to be for use as part of a script/action rather than changing this default display.

Currently it looks like:

You can configure the Sonos component to only show the speakers you want:

Thanks for your reply.

With the following in configuration.yaml I’m able to display just one media player card, but it doesn’t function to control the (two) speakers like either card did before.

    hosts: !secret primary_sonos_ip

It displays but doesn’t work:


Strangely this config doesn’t work and causes a “device not found” error:

    interface_addr: !secret primary_sonos_ip