Group tab icons disappeared

I noticed that my tab icons have disappeared. The screenshot is from my Weather tab. All of the data loads but the icon does not. This started a few versions ago and I just ignored it, thinking it would be fixed with an update. Has anyone else experienced this and what needs to be done to fix it?

### groups.yaml
# Alarm
    view: yes
    name: Alarm
    icon: mdi:security-home
      - alarm_control_panel.home_alarm
      - sensor.home_alarm_keypad
      - binary_sensor.downstairs_occupancy
      - binary_sensor.upstairs_occupancy
      - binary_sensor.back_door__breakfast_windows
      - binary_sensor.dining_room
      - binary_sensor.front_door
      - binary_sensor.garage_door
      - binary_sensor.kitchen_window
      - binary_sensor.living_room_windows
      - script.toggle_garage_door
      - switch.garage_door

# Thermostats
    view: yes
    name: Ecobees
    icon: mdi:thermometer-lines
      - sensor.downstairs_temperature
      - sensor.upstairs_temperature
      - climate.downstairs
      - climate.upstairs
      - sensor.downstairs_humidity
      - sensor.upstairs_humidity 

# Entertainment      
    view: yes
    name: Entertainment
    icon: mdi:television
      - media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv
      - media_player.living_room_speakers
      - media_player.office_tv
      - media_player.plex_web_chrome

# Package Tracking
    view: yes
    name: Package Tracking
    icon: mdi:package-variant-closed
      - sensor.usps

# Weather
    view: yes
    name: Weather
    icon: mdi:weather-partlycloudy
      - sensor.weather_cloudiness
      - sensor.weather_fog
      - sensor.weather_humidity
      - sensor.weather_precipitation
      - sensor.weather_symbol
      - sensor.weather_temperature
      - sensor.weather_wind_direction
      - sensor.weather_wind_speed

# Synology
    view: yes
    name: Synology
    icon: mdi:server
      - sensor.cpu_load_total
      - sensor.memory_usage_real
      - sensor.network_up
      - sensor.network_down
      - sensor.status_volume_1
      - sensor.volume_used_volume_1
      - sensor.average_disk_temp_volume_1
      - sensor.speedtest_ping
      - sensor.speedtest_download
      - sensor.speedtest_upload

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Iā€™ve had a similar but slightly different problem tooā€¦

I thought mine was Tiles related but it actually appears to be Custom UI in general.

I too have had this problem after upgrading to 0.72.
All i have done for the time being is given my groups names and commented out the icon.

i have tried removing and re adding homeassistant to my machine but when i did i noticed that it was now 0.72.1 but i have not tried changing back to the icons.

I had cleared my cache after i spotted the issue

Do you and @nickgreen239 use custom_UI and does your initial view only have custom cards on it?

Iā€™ve the same issue for all my tab icons.
If I switch to lovelace ui Iā€™ve the same problem too, the icons disappear and itā€™s ok only the text of the tabs.
Iā€™m using home assistant 0.72.1
Thank you

Seeing this issue myself as well, where the house icon for the main view is missing but the invisible ā€œiconā€ is clickable and otherwise functions as desired. I have multiple views defined but no custom UI elements installed. Running the standard UI (not Lovelace) on Home Assistant version 0.72.1.

I am not using custom_UI and I have not modified my default view at all. I believe I have a very simple config. It sounds like several others are having a similar issue. I am beginning to think that it is an actual bug and not something I am doing wrong in my config.

This is certainly a weird one, seems to be many different causes then. The ā€˜cureā€™ I posted in the ā€˜Tilesā€™ thread is still working perfectly and the issue only occurs when I have a custom card(s) on its own in the initial loading page, any non customised group added cures it. I just added a card with a sunset time sensor in it and havenā€™t seen the issue since.

I updated to 0.73.0 and the tabs are loading properly now. I had to clear the cache on the browsers that were still not showing the icons, but after that everything is fine. Now to track down solutions to the new errors I am getting in the logsā€¦

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Yep, all fixed, cheers for the heads up as didnā€™t see anything in the release notes.