Group vs Climate Group

Could you tell me the difference between “Group” (Group - Home Assistant) vs “Climate Group” (GitHub - daenny/climate_group: Home Assistant Climate Group), please?

Furthermore, why is an area / room not considered as a group (e.g. several thermostats in a room are responsible for the room temperature)?

A lot of colleagues in this forum grouped thermostats in the same room by “Group”. Why ist this not suffcient?

What is the better choice to group floor heating actors?

Many thanks @123

Do I have to import the Climate Group with HACS or do I also have integrate (Add Integration) it? I am new th HA and do not know exactly when to do what. The documentation is difficult to understand for me.

Many thanks.

So no Integration necessary for Climate Group as with RaspberryMatic? Why not?

With Climate Group, do I have access to the temperature of the entities (devices)? I think for HMIP-devices I can only assign modes (boost, week_program, etc.)? So why a climate group then?

Can a group only be created in YAML or also via the editor?

Is this not allowed? Do they have to be seprated in different threads?

Do you mind to help me with these 6 (now 9) questions?