Group with Phones - everybody is leaving --> turn everything off

Hey everybody!

That’s my first topic here and I’m a newbie to home assistant.
I already was searching quiet a while to find a answer but I wasn’t successful.

I created a group with phones.

  name: Phones Eric Ali

How can I create a trigger that will notice that all devices are not at home? (in the zone home)

I really appriciate all your help!!


You have a new group entity that you can find in Developer Tools → States. It’s probably group.phones_eric_ali.

That group entity will be home when anybody is home, and not_home when nobody is home.

Your trigger would be a state trigger:

- platform: state
  entity_id: group.phones_eric_ali
  from: 'home'
  to: 'not_home'
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Thanks! Looks easy. I will try it out.

Your group should be:

  name: Phones Eric Ali
    - device_tracker.ie_0682
    - device_tracker.aliphone
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