Grouping Automations on frontend for organization

I voted for the feature a long time ago :slight_smile:
But in the meantime …

The HA people are doing a great job and they must have their reasons to prioritize features, but it would just be nice if they could give us a time-line to get this done.

Makes it a bit of a pain though, especially since now your display names are all going to need to be modified, and also any automation that sends an alert using the sensor name will need to have extra cases to remove that nonsense instead of just naming them.

Really feels like a huge step backwards

“half a loaf is better than no bread”

Ceci n’ajoute rien a la conversation.

(This adds nothing to the conversation.)

On the contrary, it explains that rather than complaining about the workaround being a huge step backwards, one have to look on the positive side and tell themselve that it’s better than waiting for a hypothetical reaction from the HA developers.

Even if it would be really nice to have a solution for grouping automations (and scripts), it’s a small step towards organizing and (in my opinion) still better than nothing.

Indeed it will not implement the feature request, but more comments and more votes might. You can also do a pull request on gitlab if you feel brave enough (I’m not)

“Better than nothing” is (only) one way of looking at it.


There’s no historical evidence that Feature Requests have ever been prioritized or scheduled. Therefore there’s nothing to report in advance.

Feature Requests are typically implemented by volunteer software developers. In other words, by someone with requisite skills and who is sufficiently interested by the suggested feature to invest their time to create it and shepherd it through the Pull Request process on GitHub.

Few FRs are implemented and even fewer by a member of the Core development team (a.k.a. an employee of Nabu Casa).

A high vote count only serves as a measure of the community’s interest but not an indicator of priority. Over the past five years, I have seen FRs with only a handful of votes get implemented and FRs with hundreds of votes remain nothing more than a wish. It largely depends on whether a volunteer’s interest is sufficiently piqued to implement it.

FWIW, it’s my understanding that this FR hasn’t gone unnoticed by the development team but it requires architectural changes in order to support it. This groundwork is allegedly in progress but, to my knowledge, there’s no timeline for completion. Beyond that particular rumor, I know nothing else about it.

The only thing I would suggest to someone waiting for the implementation of this or any other Feature Request is to take advantage of any suggested interim solution (otherwise, you may be waiting for a feature that will never arrive).

First time I hear that this is at least on the radar.
I am not a complainer. HA is free, except for the cheap Nabu account, and therefore we depend on volunteers.
I use the interim solution of searching by area, but that is not perfect either. I come from the Universal Devices Eisy/IoX environment and they have that feature of organizing programs (automations). (BTW Eisy/IoX is an excellent environment, working with Zwave, Zigbee, Wifi etc but their prime focus has been Insteon which they master really well.)

I believe it was either petro or tom_l who had mentioned it elsewhere but, at the moment, I can’t locate the specific topic. Perhaps I misunderstood what had been described but my understanding that it’s for laying the groundwork for the feature which is not the same as actually creating it (i.e. clear the land and lay a foundation to allow someone else to build a house on it). Or they intend to actually create it as well; I don’t know.

“half a loaf is better than no bread”

“but this half a loaf is moldy”

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“half a loaf is better than no bread”

“not in programming.”

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That is so not true.

I’m a computer scientist since 1999 and we are delivering partially working solutions all the time. The customer is already having some of his/her problem solved instead of waiting for the final product.

That is even the way to go for a long time, not doing the “Vee model” development but instead small iterations to improve the product. Exactly like HA is doing, adding and adding at every release.

But I agree with Taras, since 2018, I’ve (almost) never seen any feature from this forum being picked up because of votes, it is only a matter of catching attention and the good willing of Nabu guys and/or someone that feels entitled to pick it up and dev it himself in a pull request.

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And you’ve summed it up there @Olivier1974 with: “never seen any feature from this forum being picked up because of votes”

Me neither… which throws into question: WTH was the point of WTH? (see what I did there?)

They’re too busy picking up phones and talking to their lights rather than providing real world [wanted] functionality.

There’s probably a bit of “my project, my way” going on behind the scenes here, but I would suggest that any project that intends to be financially supported by users [Nabu Casa Subscription] should seriously consider prioritizing requests from the user base. After all, it’s THAT user base who is funding you and is keeping said project afloat. I mean, if everyone [or the vast majority] just stopped their Nabu Casa subscriptions right now where would that leave the project? Just a philosophical question.

FWIW HA won’t remain one of the most committed to on github and in the top few if they carry on just beautifying icons and steering away from [ignoring] actual solutions to users’ real world problems.

That’s not accurate though, there were many medium to large WTH items that did get picked up and implemented. Just because it’s not what you were interested in doesn’t mean it didn’t happen and wasn’t important.

Can check the top items and see many have a solution and were implemented Month of "What the heck?!" - Home Assistant Community

There are lots. Look at the closed topics that were not duplicates. It is not only the paid Nabu-Casa people that work these problems. Members of the community that are able to write code look thru here all the time looking for stuff to help with. The more votes, the more likely it will be done. This one I know was picked out of here…
OR + AND conditions for Conditional Card - #78 by Michel.
for instance.
The person that does the code can’t close these posts themselves, the forum mods have to notice that a particular item has been completed and they can close the topic.

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Ammm… a small correction: it’s not “because YOU were interested”, but, currently: “because 2029 people are interested”. Somewhat difference, don’t you think? And it’s …what…2+ years since this request was started? You can’t say that it’s not an ignorance…

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You are taking my comment out of context.

The user was making an absolute statement that the WTH items were ignored when many WTH items were, in fact, not ignored and have been implemented.

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With the greatest respect to all. I am sure that we have the attention of the Nabu developers and they will decide whatever they will decide. In the meantime this exchange has lost usefulness.

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I am interested as well.
Just folders inside automations would help a LOT

For now, moving things to Node-Red and grouping in on pages seems to be the best option.