Hi all,
i have a strange problem. I created a groups.yaml file to define a set of groups. All works nicely but now I have all groups duplicated with a “_2” at the end.
I tried to add a unique_id to each group in order to delete the additional ones in the front-end. But I cannot add unique_id to the groups.yaml file. System says it is a property that is not allowed (“invalid config for [group]: [unique_id] is an invalid option for [group]. Check: group->group->lichter_og->unique_id.” )
This is my groups.yaml file
name: Familie
- person.bettina
- person.werner
name: Lichter EG
- light.ganglicht_eg
- light.licht_arbeitsplatte
- light.licht_deko
- light.licht_fernsehzimmer
- light.licht_flamingo
- light.licht_garage
Everything works just wondering if I can get rid of these additional useless groups that just duplicate the used ones…
Thanks for help