Groups with view: true (tabs) have hidden:true?


Looking for several hidden entities, Ive just discovered all of my Tab groups, (view: true) have the attribute hidden set to true. Maybe a silly question, and nooby to only discover now, but is this the way it should be?

the thing that puzzles me is that if this isn’t default, and the page doesn’t say it is, the hidden feature can only be set in customize. Unless the view: true groups are treated as default groups ?

I havent set it there, so how come??


It’s probably so the card doesn’t show up as well as the view.

ok thanks, so you confirm it is like that in your settings too? I can stop looking for errors on this front then…

let me take a look

Yep, looks like it.

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guess thats the intelligent way of doing this:


lol. thanks! next time, please cut and past, now i have to do the typing myself…

{% set groups =|selectattr('attributes.view','eq',True) %}
{% for g in groups %}
{{ g.entity_id + ":" }}
  - view:   {{ g.attributes.view }} 
  - hidden: {{ g.attributes.hidden }}
{% endfor %}
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