Groups.yaml file problems

I have seen this alluded to several places, but not quite right. Here is what I am seeing.

  1. When we include a groups file in our configuration.yaml file, it can be named anything we like. Mine is named group.yaml (no ‘s’). When I tried changing a few things in the configuration page, it got a groups.yaml file as the result. HA needs to look at the configuration.yaml file to figure out which file to edit.
  2. When HA reads in the group file, it edit the file, not the information in memory. Then when saving, it should write the file maintaining the naming, order and structure of the file it read in (unless items were moved up and down inside the group). All the group editor needs to do is provide a web based text editor to move things around. That would give us the ability to edit the file, adding, deleting, moving lines around, etc and the the reload function brings it into the app.