Guarduino : Communicate "wired" home security sensors to HA using MQTT autodiscovery

Do you have an old security system cabinet with numerous “wired” door and window sensors which you’d like to see in HA without messing with “configuration.yaml” changes?
Do you wish you could monitor your wired reed switch (or motion) sensors in a way where you are more sure that “closed / quiet” doesn’t actually mean “lost power” ?
Do you also like the idea of knowing a door opened/closed wtihin 100ms of the event occurring?
Do you have numerous, wired “ds18x” temperature sensors which you’d like to “autodiscover into HA”?

If so, guarduino may be worth a look.

I wrote this project to serve as an affordable, simple home-security hardware interface. Hopefully, this is useful for some of you as well.