Guidance needed—-Wyoming Protocol Memory usage spike

Hello - I have been noticing that my memory usage was steadily increase beyond the recommended configuration of 4GB so I began working to isolate. My system info is listed below and I have narrowed it down to the Wyoming protocol. I disabled it for a few days to see if the system stabilized and it did, then today attempted to enable them again and observed the same behavior. I should also mention that I am not using voice yet as I was just starting to building that component for use. I am wondering if anyone else is see this issue and if you have any recommendation on how to stabilize the memory usage.

I have also included a few screenshot of the memory spikes from today

core install on Generic x86-64
16gb of RAM
256G SDD
intel 3Ghz processure

While I haven’t spent a ton of time trying to isolate my installs memory leak - it does correspond to when I installed Wyoming pieces…

Does it level off for you? I have noticed that it just keeps steadily climbing. I am concerned on it crashing the system. I’m hoping that someone might have a solution to manage.

It would climb to within a couple hundred K of available memory in ProxMox VM and then level off. So wouldn’t crash the instance at least. I’d reboot the VM about once a week.