Guide: Connecting Pi with Home Assistant OS to wifi (or other networking changes)

Ah, ok, sorry, didn’t know I could see more by pressing refresh. Ok, now I saw at the end of the log FATAL: You need to set a password! -

EDIT: ok nevermind, I forgot to set the password for the web terminal. And now it actually works - I probably had to wait longer for the startup. Thanks for the refresh hint!

I meant this guide in particular, the way I wrote it. Without any internet connection you wouldn’t be able to download and install addons in the first place.

On a pi zero, you could directly access the host and use nmcli using a keyboard and monitor of course.


Thank you for the guide, it worked!

excellent! :tada:

im getting error when i try to connect my SSID
error: connection activation failed: (7) Secrets were required, but not provided.


Not sure what that is about. Have you tried a full reboot?

yes also tried with different sd card i get same error

Worked like a charm. Great thanks
If you set up your system as recommended you have to disable the default SSH server that listens on the same port.

Anyone with a Pi 3B+ have luck getting 802.11ac enabled with HassOS ?

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Has anyone had any luck with getting their WIFI to reconnect for scenarios where the SSID went away for a few moments? The only solution I have so far is a reboot :frowning:

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Thank you this is heaps easier than using a USB import


Holy SHI******************** finally i got wifi working you’re a genius thanks!!!


Thanks for the guide :+1:t3:

WiFi channel must be 10 or under on your router. Thank you @Anymal


EDIT: Nevermind…changed channel below 10 and now it works.

My Wifi SSID is not listed at all… Use Timecapsule of Apple with a 2Ghz and 5Ghz wifi. The 2Ghz must show right?

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I cant find any wifi networks using ssh. I put raspberry next to the router, but it cant find anything, but for sure it is there (my laptop itself can find ~20 SSIDs near by). maybe something else should be enabled for wifi?
This is my log:

Our Cli:
$ hassio help
➜ ~ nmcli radio
enabled enabled enabled enabled
➜ ~ nmcli device wifi rescan
Error: No Wi-Fi device found.
➜ ~ nmcli device wifi
➜ ~

Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 4GB

Router TP-Link mode: 802.11b/g/n mixed 2.4GHz + 5 GHz
Channel width: Auto
Channel: Auto (Current Channel 6)

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I think wifi on the Pi4 is still an issue.

Edit: As of HassOS dev build 3.4, the pi4 wifi is working.

Thanks for a great guide!

I had some issues with this part: nmcli device wifi connect YOUR_SSID password YOUR_WIFI_PASSWORD.

When executing that line nothing first happend, but then the same line was ready to be executed again except for that part of my password that is !!0 was excanged to nmcli.

I added around my password so the line looks like this instead: nmcli device wifi connect YOUR_SSID password ‘YOUR_WIFI_PASSWORD’. And that solved the problem for me!

Hopefully this could help some one else have trouble setting up their wifi for


Do I have the wrong version of hassio? I have the docker based one for Raspi 3B which identifies itself as hassio.local on the local network. I don’t have nmcli in the root console :frowning:

While you could access nmcli by directly connecting to your pi with keyboard and monitor, this guide instead makes use of a specific addon.