Guide: How to learn broadlink RF codes

First step is to learn an RF code in the app and test it works

  1. Create a button in the app
  2. Then hold down on the button
  3. Then click “learn single”
  4. Then click “sweap frequency”
  5. Now hold down the button on your RF remote until it learns the RF frequency.
  6. Next step is click ‘ok’ then briefly tap the button on your RF remote to learn the RF code.

Once you have created a button, test it works. If it works you can move onto the next step.

  1. Load home assistant webpage on your desktop browser
  2. Goto services tab (Hint: under developer n settings)
  3. Find broad link learn service.
    Enter the service data host:
    Where XXX is your broadlink IP address on the local network.
    ( don’t click call service yet ).
  4. Now on your cellphone do the following
  5. Hold down on any existing button in the broadlink app
  6. Click “learn single” in the app
  7. Click “sweap frequency” in the app
  8. Hold down RF button on your remote until it detects the frequency
  9. Click ‘ok’ to proceed, it will now want you to press the RF button again, but don’t do it just yet…
  10. First on your desktop pc click ‘call service’
  11. Now you can briefly tap the RF button on your device.
    It works, but you need to create new device before each learn (for example, I created curtains each time)
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