Guide: How to learn broadlink RF codes

I tried both apps, IHC and E-control, i can get the code in HA, when i press the button in HA i can see the light turning on in my broadlink RM pro, but nothing happens, im trying to control my curtains and blinds.

What might be wrong?

Use the broadlink econtrol android app

Hi Rkor,

How did you go with sending multiple RF? I’m about to purchase more dooya blind rollers but will come across the same issue that you have.


I was able to teach the RM Pro + how to handle RF codes without a program (thank you so much for this program though- you are amazing!!!) after an hour of stuffing about…

Make sure your iPhone (with the e-Control app open) is connected to WIFI when you try to teach it.

Silly I know but previous I was able to teach my RM Pro + while I was in 3G as the device had previously been configured in the Wi-Fi area and I was logged in and able to control it remotely BUT for some reason it’s unable to learn RF codes if my iPhone isn’t connected via wifi to the same network as the RM Pro +.

Hi. I can see the code but I can not copy it. Please help me.

From the first post: “If you can’t copy paste from your desktop browser trying a different browser or copy + paste it from your cellphone browser (that is what I have to do).”

For me, Firefox worked!

I tried all. Opera, mozilla, ie and chrome on desktop and also on mobile both android and ios. Let me try some more. Thanks a lot for your fast repply.

If you go to the States tab in the Developer Tools, it will show under the Persistent Notifications. Works fine to be able to copy from Chrome. Sorry don’t typically use other browsers so haven’t tried them.

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I am so sorry to be late. Thank you very much. It worked excellent.:smiley:

I get the following error:

Failed to call service broadlink/learn. expected dict for dictionary value @ data['service_data']. Got 'host”:”'

check you quotation marks type. they need to be the normal text type not the fancy curly ones.

Not the fancy ones…don’t get the Json error, just the error when I send the command.

That’s not what the error message is showing that you posted.

Unless it’a copy/paste thing. But I would just delete them and re-type them just to be sure. It’s really hard to tell the difference between the two sometimes unless you post them into the forum. Then they stick out like a sore thumb. :smile:

I actually did just that. I retyped them after cutting and pasting.

any change in the error?

I have a similar issue with learning codes. It always says failed to connect when I send the learn command. sending codes works fine though (tested random codes from other people). Unfortunately I can’t learn any on my own and don’t have a windows machine at hand.

You say hold the button down in the app. Which app, what platform?
I have IHC on android, also tried e-control which sounds like it might be the app you refer to.
However I can’t get HA services to show what you say. It lists broadlink.learn as a service but I can’t find an acceptable format of service data. HA just says Failed to call service broadlink/learn expected dict for dictionary value @ data[service_data]. Got

Service is called switch.broadlink_learn_command_XX_XX_XX_XX call it from services tab.

It’s possible that the broadlink component has changed since I wrote this is guide.

App is called e-control by broadlink

Thanks for responding Mike, like many other bits of HA i fear things keep changing ! I get broadlink.learn as my entry not switch.broadlink…

For you to get broadlink recognised what did you put into configuration.yaml ?

So far I have

  • platform: broadlink
    mac: ‘xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx’ (zapped for privacy)

Your are right. The service is now called broad link learn.

You need to give the service the URL of the broadlink device when you call the service. Are you doing that.

Config looks good (from memory I’m on my phone)