[GUIDE] Monitoring energy by device category and running averages

Here is a short guide to how I’ve organised monitoring of (electrical) energy consumption in HA. The main objective here was being able to

  • track usage by category of device
  • reduce glitching in the data and allow me to add/remove devices without losing historical per category data
  • running averages for e.g. the last 30days’ consumption instead of the utility_meter’s tracking of e.g. this month, which is not so useful on day 3 of the month.

What I’ve ended up with is something that looks like this:

Doing this requires some hardware investment and it will probably never save you as much money as you will spend on it, but it will allow you to make (more) informed decisions about optimising your energy use. Note that my estimate of the precision of the various energy meters built into IoT devices is around 10%, so there isn’t much point in trying to worry about precision since the accuracy will never be there.

The guide is divided into four parts:

  • monitoring individual devices
  • clustering devices into categories without glitches
  • running averages
  • displaying it in the dashboard

Monitoring individual devices

Total consumption

I will stress here that you want to have some way of monitoring total consumption – be it using a smart meter integrated into HA, something like a Shelly em3 installed in your fuse box or a website of your electricity company. Unless you do this, you will never really know if the other devices you’re monitoring are 90% of your consumtion or just 20%. I would start here.

Smart plugs

Many smart plugs (though not the cheapest ones) come with power/energy monitoring. I’ve put these at the sockets of the most expensive devices – the fridge, oven, dishwasher etc. Especially for variable-power devices this is the only reasonably accurate way of tracking energy use.

I never use the smart plug capability here, but you can make these devices semi-smart by monitoring the power usage and count e.g. how many dishwasher cycles you’ve run since you cleaned it last time.

I’ll note here that usually there is a power meter and sometimes an energy sensor exposed in these devices. Use the energy sensor if you have it, instead of integrating the power in HA through the Riemann sum helper, since it’s likely to be more accurate.

There is also the Emporia Vue 2 monitor which you can put in your fuse box and monitor many circuits in your home. Alternatively, you can put more Shelly’s in your fusebox to monitor particular circuits, e.g. AC or the induction stove.

Energy sensors in integrations

Some smart devices report energy use as part of their integration (e.g. some of the smart washing machines or AC units). You get all the info you need.


There is a HACS integration called Powercalc, which creates power/energy sensors for devices it has in its database (e.g. many smart lightbulbs), but also allows you to programme the energy use profiles for your devices. This was if you can track the status of a device in HA (e.g. your vacuum cleaner), you can use one smart plug to measure the consumption in the various states and create a sensor tracking the energy. Things that have reasonably stable power consumption if the state is known (e.g. TVs, routers, lights) if they have the state available to HA can be estimated well.


You do need smart plugs for devices which are major consumers and do not have their state available to HA, or the power draw is unstable (my amplifier for example – varies like crazy). If HA knows the state, or something is always on, you can measure and calculate the power/energy use.

Clustering into categories

I have divided all my devices into six categories

  • Cooking - stove, oven, coffee maker, fridge
  • Climate - AC, electrical heaters, extractor fans
  • Cleaning - dryer, washer, dishwasher, vacuum
  • Lights - lightbulbs and light switches operating multiple bulbs
  • IT – office computers, router, HA and all the IoT stuff like cameras
  • Media – TV, music players
  • Uncategorised

in descending order of importance for our household.

Initially I just created category template sensors summing each of the energy sensors of the devices and made their state_class total_increasing. However, over time this led to issues:

  • sometimes the sensors would glitch and I would get a +1000kWh spike, followed by a symmetrical return to the initial value. Since the sensors was total_increasing, the down would not get ignored
  • a few devices failed and became unavailable, making the whole sum sensor unavailable. You could remove them, but the new sum would be lower than the state before
  • I’ve repurposed a few smart plugs changing categories – again, moving them would change the state of the sum sensors.

To solve this, I’ve created a template sensor which always sums the increase/decrease of the monitored devices and saves their last-known good state in its attributes, allowing it to be always available and to reject bad states of the monitored sensors. Over the last year this has given me stable sensors for the categories. Here is the yaml for such a template sensor

- sensor:
    - name: Electricity total Energy
      unique_id: "roigjoreoifnofnvo"
      <<: &cumulator_sensor
        icon: mdi:lightning-bolt
        device_class: energy
        unit_of_measurement: kWh
        state_class: total_increasing
        state: >-
          {% set current = this.state if this.state | is_number else this.attributes.get('last_good',{}).get('self',0) %}
          {% if to_state_add | is_number and to_state_sub | is_number %}
            {% set to_state = to_state_add|float - to_state_sub|float%}
            {% set from_state = this.attributes.get('last_good',{}).get(trig_ent,to_state)|float%}
            {{(current|float + to_state - from_state)|round(3) if (from_state|abs < to_state|abs < from_state|abs + 2)  else current}}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
          last_good: >-
            {% set last_dict = this.attributes.get('last_good', {}) %}
            {% if pass and to_state_add | is_number and to_state_sub | is_number %}
              {% set to_state = to_state_add|float - to_state_sub|float%}
              {% set last_dict = dict(last_dict,**{trig_ent: to_state}) %}
            {% endif %}
            {% set last_dict = dict(last_dict,**{'self': this.state|float}) if this.state | is_number else last_dict %}
    - entity_id:
        - sensor.electricity_a_energy_returned # AC installers flipped the A clamp
        - sensor.electricity_b_energy
        - sensor.electricity_c_energy
        - sensor.ac_all_energy # circuit not threaded through shelly, must be added separately
      <<: &cumulator_trigger
        platform: state
          - "unknown"
          - "unavailable"
          - "None"
          pass: "{{true}}"
          to_state_add: "{{trigger.to_state.state}}"
          to_state_sub: 0
          trig_ent: "{{trigger.to_state.object_id}}"
    - entity_id:
        - sensor.electricity_a_energy # AC installers flipped the A clamp
        - sensor.electricity_b_energy_returned
        - sensor.electricity_c_energy_returned
      <<: &cumulator_trigger_negate
        platform: state
          - "unknown"
          - "unavailable"
          - "None"
          pass: "{{true}}"
          to_state_add: 0
          to_state_sub: "{{trigger.to_state.state}}"
          trig_ent: "{{trigger.to_state.object_id}}"

This sums the three energy sensors from the Shelly em3, montoring each of the three phases. The Shelly rather ridiculously needs to be reset to reconnect to WiFi which loses its state. This total sensor can ignore this reset.

You will notice the YAML anchors here, e.g. <<: &cumulator_sensor. This then allows me to define sensors based on this one for the other categories, without repeating the code:

- sensor:
    - <<: *cumulator_sensor
      name: Cooking all Energy
      unique_id: "4899e8eo8utpnw34tpv3y8t472y"
    - <<: *cumulator_trigger
        - sensor.plug_kitchen_coffee_electric_consumption_kwh
        - sensor.plug_kitchen_fridge_electric_consumption_kwh
        - sensor.plug_kitchen_microwave_electric_consumption_kwh
        - sensor.plug_kitchen_oven_energy_cumulative
        - sensor.kitchen_cooker_total_energy
        - sensor.plug_kitchen_kettle_energy
        - sensor.plug_kitchen_mikser_electric_consumption_kwh

The anchors allow me to just specify the sensors I want to track and the name of the category sensor and that’s it. I have such sensors for each of the six categories and then the uncategorised sensor is just the diffence between the total sensor and the six categories – it fluctuates up and down around some mean, so it is best left this way.

- sensor:
    - name: Electricity Uncategorised Energy
      icon: mdi:flash
      device_class: energy
      unit_of_measurement: kWh
      state_class: total
      unique_id: "rpitu3t3m94ut3eruterofnvo"
      state: >
        {% set total = 936.949 + 12.05 + states('sensor.electricity_total_energy')|float
          - states('sensor.climate_all_energy')|float
          - states('sensor.cleaning_all_energy')|float
          - states('sensor.cooking_all_energy')|float
          - states('sensor.media_players_all_energy')|float
          - states('sensor.it_network_all_energy')|float
          - states('sensor.lights_all_energy')|float%}
      availability: >
        {{ states('sensor.electricity_total_energy')| is_number
          and states('sensor.climate_all_energy')| is_number
          and states('sensor.cooking_all_energy')| is_number
          and states('sensor.cleaning_all_energy')| is_number
          and states('sensor.media_players_all_energy')| is_number
          and states('sensor.it_network_all_energy') | is_number
          and states('sensor.lights_all_energy')| is_number }}

There are some numbers there in the total to set the initial value to something sensible. These sensors are the ones you want to use in the Energy dashboard.

Running averages

What I want to know and HA does not easily provide is the typical energy use over some period, e.g. 30days, so that you can average out the fluctuations of daily life (10 loads of laundry in one day after nothing for a week). The problem is that the recorder keeps data for 10 days by default and it doesn’t make much sense to extend this for all the entities, nor explictly worry about not recording new entities.

Thankfully template sensors with state_class measurement and total have their state saved into the long-term statistics (LTS) database once per hour. We can access this using the SQL integration. I have created SQL sensors for each of my categories computing the averaged difference in the state between now and e.g. 30 day ago. It looks like this:

	- name: Electricity total Energy l30d
	  unit_of_measurement: kWh
	  unique_id: xxw4i34p98tj3498ty34r
	  query: >
			statistics. Sum 
			INNER JOIN statistics_meta ON 
			ORDER BY statistics.start_ts DESC 
		  LIMIT 1)
			statistics. Sum 
			INNER JOIN statistics_meta ON 
			  statistics.start_ts > UNIXEPOCH("now","-30 days","-1 hour")  
			LIMIT 1)
		AS change
	  column: change
	  value_template: "{{(value/30)|round(2)}}"

You need to know a bit of SQL to unpack the query, but heuristically: the statistics database keeps the LTS records – the important column there is called .sum. The states of the individual sensors are labelled by the .id column. The relation between the entity_id and the id in the LTS databse is kept in the statistics_meta database. The quesry therefore first identifies the id of the sensor named sensor.electricity_total_energy and then finds the difference in the sum column between the last entry (ORDER BY statistics.start_ts DESC) and the entry from 30 days ago statistics.start_ts > UNIXEPOCH("now","-30 days","-1 hour"). The value_template key then divides this by 30 to get a per-day energy use.

These sensors are the ones you want to use for the pie charts.

Displaying it in the dashboard

Energy dashboard

I have abused the Energy dashboard a bit to get what I want. I am using each of my category energy sensors as Grid consumption. This gives me the split into the different energy use over periods in the dashboard and the stacked bar charts

By default, the energy dashboard chooses colours that are nearly the same for each of the grid consumers (since it tries to differentiate between consumption and production). I have therefore edited the colour scheme by defining a theme in configuration.yaml:

          energy-grid-consumption-color-0: "#488fc2"
          energy-grid-consumption-color-1: "#8353d1"
          energy-grid-consumption-color-2: "#ff9800"
          energy-grid-consumption-color-3: "#0f9d58"
          energy-grid-consumption-color-4: "#4db6ac"
          energy-grid-consumption-color-5: "#f06292"
          energy-grid-consumption-color-6: "#8e021b"
          energy-grid-consumption-color-7: "#00bcd4"

You then have to choose the good-bars theme in the user settings (click on your use ison at the bottom of the dashboard).

Average consumption Pie charts

These are made up of the SQL sensors. They use the apexcharts custom card from HACS.

type: custom:apexcharts-card
chart_type: donut
update_interval: 1min
  - entity: sensor.cooking_all_energy_l30d
    name: Cooking
  - entity: sensor.cleaning_all_energy_l30d
    name: Cleaning
  - entity: sensor.lights_all_energy_l30d
    name: Lights
  - entity: sensor.climate_all_energy_l30d
    name: Climate
  - entity: sensor.media_players_all_energy_l30d
    name: Media
  - entity: sensor.it_network_all_energy_l30d
    name: IT
  - entity: sensor.electricity_uncategorised_energy_l30d
    name: Unk.
  show: true
  show_states: false
  colorize_states: true
  title: Total Daily Energy L30d
    show: true
          show: true,
            showAlways: true,
            show: true
            formatter: |
              EVAL:function(w) {
                return w.globals.seriesTotals.reduce((a, b) => {return a + b}, 0).toLocaleString();

I hope this is useful for someone.


Hi @wigster I stumbled upon your guide looking for some starm energy analysis. I would like to implement your guide, but I have some doubt. I guess I have to replicate the code for each class of devices (you just included de “cooking”) but I’m not sure how about doing it. On the other hand I really don’t know how and where use the SQL code you shared. I hape you can support us. Thanks in advance


Yes you need to come up with some sort of structure categorising your device’s energy sensors. Then you just replicate my template for cooking-all for each of your device categories and put the relevant energy sensors in the entity_id subkey of the trigger key. The rest of the configuration is read in by the <<: *cumulator_trigger anchor.

Secondly, for the SQL sensors – this is a separate integration. You need one SQL sensor for each of the accumulating energy sensors you want to calculate the 30-day average for. You can use the UI to create the SQL sensors, but this will quickly get repetitive and it’s better to just create it in the YAML config.

You can put them in a new sql: key in the configuration.yaml config file. Or create a separate file you just the sql sensors and load them in the main config file like so:

sql: !include_dir_merge_list sql/

This loads into the sql integration all the sensors defined in any yaml file in the config/sql directory. They should all be presented as a list (i.e. starting with a - with no indentation).

Let me know if something else is unclear.

Thanks a lot for this guide @wigster, I really appreciate your solution!

In the ha built in energy page, I replaced 10+ sub items (ie laundry, dishwasher…) by their category (ie cleaning). The result is much cleaner and more readable thanks to you!

Now I would like to create as you did the donuts graphs showing the detail of each category. Ie: a graph “all cleaning appliances” showing laundry, dishwasher,…

  1. If I understand you created an sql entity (using the code you provided), not only for the categories but also for each item inside the category?

  2. I would like to also create a daily view. What would be your advise? to modify in your sql code “-30 days” to “-1 day” and remove the last line?

  3. I may be dreaming but a great functionality would be to have a dynamic range with a selector, like in the built in energy page. Do you think it would be possible? or maybe it exists?

PS: there may be a typo in your SQL code (one identation missing in the last line).

ad 1.: I needed each of the SQL entities for two reasons – I need the entity in a pie chart and I need the 30 days’ average for the class of devices they represent, and the recorder only contains 10 days’ of data.

So I have these SQL entities: my all_lights_energy sensor for total light and also one for each of the rooms in my house, since I would like to both use the all_lights_energy data in pie chart splitting total energy use into categories, as well as a pie splitting the lights energy use (i.e. the one grouped by all_lights) into each of the rooms of the house separately. This means I need a template sensor summing the lights’ energy use for each room and a corresponding SQL entity for each room to work out the 30 days’ use. I don’t bother with a pie chart showing the split of the room into individual lights, so I do not have these individual device SQL sensors.

ad 2: A daily view is simpler than sql – the recorder by default contains 10 days’ of data and the statistics sensor can easily compute the change or whatever you need, see

Statistics - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io)

ad 3: I do not believe there is a way to change the sampling period dynamically – this sensor gets recorded in history and such changes would lead to unclear results when you look at the changes in the statistics sensor.

I think for what you’d like to do something like an SQL service would be necessary – you would send an SQL query to the database, the query would be dynamical/a template and you would receive a response, which you would save into a sensor, or plot directly. I presume that this is what the energy dashboard does.

As far as I know, there is no way of doing anything like that by the user currently. I think you’d need to create a statitics/sql sensor for each time period and then choose the ones you display (I have everything duplicated for 30 day and 90 days for example with an input_select choosing my conditional cards).

Indeed there was – thanks! Fixed it.

@wigster I used the SQL sensor also to get energy values and I try to archive year values. See post SQL sensor

But my query doesn’t produce the right values. Can you help me out?

Do you have any idea why my “uncategorized” total would be occasionally going down? I have 6 categories + my total energy (which is my mains). None of these have ben reporting negative values that I can see however while the uncategorized value in general increases, it has a bunch of little minuses throughout the day that result in my total kWh being about 8% lower than expected.

- sensor:
    - name: Uncategorized Energy
      icon: mdi:flash
      device_class: energy
      unit_of_measurement: kWh
      state_class: total
      unique_id: "rpitu3t3m94ut3eruterofnvo"
      state: >
        {% set total = 2246.79 + states('sensor.electricity_total_energy')|float
          - states('sensor.climate_all_energy')|float
          - states('sensor.it_entertainment_all_energy')|float
          - states('sensor.pool_all_energy')|float
          - states('sensor.cooking_all_energy')|float
          - states('sensor.cleaning_all_energy')|float
          - states('sensor.car_charging_all_energy')|float%}
      availability: >
        {{ states('sensor.electricity_total_energy')| is_number
          and states('sensor.climate_all_energy')| is_number
          and states('sensor.it_entertainment_all_energy')| is_number
          and states('sensor.pool_all_energy') | is_number
          and states('sensor.cooking_all_energy')| is_number
          and states('sensor.cleaning_all_energy')| is_number
          and states('sensor.car_charging_all_energy') }}

Thanks for any help or clues you are able to provide.

This is because your individual devices report at a different cadence compared to the total sensor – e.g. my AC units only report every few minutes even though their energy use is quite high while the total sensor reports every few seconds. So the total sensor ticks up every second, including the energy used by the AC, but this is treated as not categorised because the category sensors don’t know about the AC use yet. Then the AC unit reports a large energy use after a few minutes and the uncategorised energy gets reduced.

Over time this should give the correct energy use.

I have a request to calculate gas energy consumption in each room based on the total.

Do you have any advises ?
Best Regards

  1. Are you sure the demand of every heater is the same? I.e. is 100% demand of one heater the same as 100% of a different one? E.g. the rooms may have different heat loss or the radiator sizes could be different. If they are different, then you need to figure out some normalisation factor.

If they are the same then you need to (1) create a sensor for each demand sensor which would average the demand between two readings of the gas meter. If this is a fixed period, this is easy (use a statistics sensor). If the period varies, then you would need to set up Riemann integral helpers for the demand percentage and then a trigger-based template sensor triggered by the gas reading which would work out the average demand between the two readings

  1. Set up individual gas sensors for each demand sensor which would take the room’s averaged demand, divide it by the total averaged demand and multiply by the gas used in that period. Then each of those room sensors should be added into the gas part of the energy dashboard


I’m very interested and started something similar.
however, I have some concerns with the smart plugs or power monitoring devices. I’m using the Shelly PM G3 Shelly PM Mini Gen3
they are rated 16A however my radiators and oven are plugged on 20A. Also my stove is on 32A breaker.

I’m a bit worried to set my house on fire

any advices ?

thank you


I’m not an electrician, but from the circuit diagram the PM mini does let the whole current through itself. If the current is more than 16 A, I guess this is beyond the limit and I wouldn’t do it. The question is whether your appliances ever actually draw this much though.

Is this in Europe 240V? Nothing in my house is beyond 16 A (4 kW) and the stove is on 2x16 A on separate phases. My stove does do 16 A exactly on the boost setting. The oven barely ever draws above 10 A, but it would trigger overload protection on 10A smart plugs.

I would maybe get a smart plug which can do 16 A and see what the draw actually is. And if it’s never above 16 A then just wire the PM.

Another thing you could do is to use this on the individual devices/circuits:

This works through a CT clamp, so the current never passes through the device. You can place any anywhere (i.e. either the fuse box or the socket) – it must be on the same phase as the appliance and the live wire must have the CT clamp around it.

Is there any concern for putting smart plugs on your high wattage appliances?

I had one on my PC, which has a 750W power supply. Obviously it’s not pulling close to 750W, probably 300-450W at load, but the smart plug energy monitoring functions, and the plug itself, eventually died. Maybe it was coincidence.

I’m looking for another smartplug, preferably localTuya capable, to replace the one I had for this PC. Open to suggestions.

Your plug should have two numbers specified – a max. current/power for resistive loads and one for inductive loads. Most of the plugs (in the EU) give you a max resistive load of e.g. 10A/2400 W or maybe 16A/3800W for the high-power ones. Beyond ovens/heaters I don’t think anything ever hits anything that high to trigger an overload sensor and shut it down.

the issue is the inductive loads – those are things like motors or fans. Until they are running/turning they have very low impedance, so allow a very large current to run through them, briefly. This can kill the smart plug because it will mechanically fuse the relay. My laser printer is a killer for example. The load is never more than 300 W, but the current at switch on is very high.

Your computer will never really draw 750W. My laptops are running at 30-100 depending on what I am doing. But it will take a while to spin up and could kill your plug. So try to find one rated for a large inductive load.

How large? You need to test what it draws – keep your ppower monitoring on (even with a smart plug). but turn the machine on while the smart plug is on. This is much safer for the plugs and see what the initial power spike is.

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